Feed for bees, cooked using sugar

Bees, like many animals, are more productive when they are fully fed. The natural and best food for bees is honey. However, in greenhouses, often because of the lack of a sufficient number of honey

How to make a round stopper for a tap hole

To make a cork for a round tap of a multihull hive, you can do without a lathe, just cut the bushing-stamp. 25mm A narrow, sharpened end of the die bushing is applied to the

Wood and shrub melliferous plants

Of the woody honey plants, white acacia, maple, linden, gledicia, willow and fruit trees are of the greatest importance. Acacia white – a tree, reaching a height of more than 20 m, has a variety,

Baklava honey biscuit

In the dishes, pour out the water with yeast dissolved in it, break the eggs there, mix thoroughly. With continuous stirring, add flour to the mixture and mix well again. Then pour the melted butter

Smokehouse for draining

The smokehouse was made of a metal box with a wall thickness of 2 mm. The upper part is open, and so that boxes with plums do not slide out, wooden slats 5 cm wide

Grillage with chocolate fondant and honey

Bring down the proteins to a steep foam, adding a spoonful of sugar. Pour the melted honey, mix with the crushed nuts and breadcrumbs. Lubricate the form with oil, pour out the cooked mass from

Dark forest bees

In our country there are bees of several breeds, of which the most common are Central Russian forest. They dwell in the Northwest, Belorussia, the central regions of the country, the Urals, Siberia, the Far

Memory for the time of bees

Each of us from our own experience knows what a sense of time. It can be relied on to a greater or lesser extent, but there is no person for whom it is completely absent.

Wintering of queen bees

The uterus in the bee-family occupies a prominent place. She is not only a mother here. Its pheromones are substances that not only attract drones during pairing flights, but also regulate behavior, inhibit the development

The simplest wax-furnace

Wax raw materials in the apiary are processed in two ways: without boiling – in wax and with boiling – on voskopresse. The greatest yield of quality wax is obtained when pressing raw materials. The