Devices and tools for printing out honeycombs

Devices and tools for printing out honeycombs

Fig. Steam knife for printing out honeycombs.

Ordinary double-edged knives with a long thin blade and a curved handle fully meet their purpose. To heat the knives during work, the baths or samovar are used. Each worker should have 2 knives: one heats up, and the other works. However, opening with knives can not satisfy a large apiary. Flying with the alternating heating of the knives takes a lot of time, and yet they quickly cool down. More convenient are steam knives.

It can be seen from the figure that the whole device consists of a reboiler with a safety valve, a long tube, conductive steam, and a knife, inside the blade of which there is a channel for passage, steam. Thus, from the tube steam goes inside the blade to the sharp end and there through a small hole comes out. Like an electric steamer is made and an electric knife. These knives can be used to print out honeycombs twice or three times than ordinary ones.

Of the other instruments used to print out the honeycomb, you can point to “planes”, “forks”, etc. Currently, they are of little use.

Filtering and filtering honey. On apiaries honey is filtered for cleaning through small thick strainer made of fine wire.

For cleaning a large amount of honey, vats are used, in which a frame, tightened with a wire mesh, is inserted at a depth of 15-20 cm. For more thorough cleaning, the frame is covered with gauze or a rare burlap.

Sedimentation tanks. The pumped honey is delivered to large sump tanks. Advancement of honey lasts 5-10 days. During this time, air bubbles scattered in honey and tiny particles of wax float to the surface in the form of a foam, which is then removed until the honey is completely transparent. In large-scale production, settling tanks are made of large capacity – up to 2000 kg and more. They are tin-plated metal and wooden – from linden, savory, willow,

etc. The lid has a hole for evaporation of honey, and below are two cranes: one 2-3 cm above the bottom, for draining pure honey, and the other – near the bottom bottom, to drain the rest of honey contaminated with impurities.

Acceleration of the sedimentation process is achieved by a slight increase in temperature.

For a fuller use of the honey harvest, timely selection of honey from the hives is important.) Our long-term observations show that as the honeycombs fill and honey is printed in the upper parts of the frame, it should be pumped out without waiting for a continuous zabrushovki, since the printing of honey indicates its maturity. Such honey does not sour.

Do not pump out liquid unprinted honey. It contains a lot of water and therefore, if it is not subsequently subjected to evaporation, it will ferment.

During honey-gathering it is undesirable to inspect and select honey to interfere with bees in their work. It is noticed that the family, disturbed since morning, collects honey less on this day than undisturbed. Therefore, where possible (for example, in small apiaries), the selection of honey is made in the evening. On large apiaries, it is often necessary to select and drain honey throughout the day, but at the same time as little as possible to disturb the bees with smoke.

Shooting stores. Whole stores are rarely removed, for example, when there are 2-3 stores in the hive. In this case, if the bribe continues, then the pile of honey is filled again with frames and put in a hive, but not on top of the store there, but under it. Empty store increases the desire of bees to fill it again, causing the yield of honey to increase.

Stores must necessarily be removed entirely in cases where the bribery is over, but the store frames are not completely filled with honey. If this is not done, then the bees can transfer the honey from the nest to the store, so that the nest will be half empty, which will complicate the preparation of the nest for the winter. If you do not remove the entire store, then take the frame outside the frame and shake the bees from them, put them in a portable a box for sending to the workroom.

When you take off the store, they do so. After removing the cover of the hive and the covers of the store, they let a nearly horizontal stream of smoke between the frames, so that it only drives the bees, but does not go deep into the hive. Bees will quickly move into the nest. Then, lifting the back side of the store (the front side should touch the nest), chase the remaining bees with smoke to the front wall, along which it is convenient for them to descend into the nest. After that, the store is removed and the hive is closed. In hives where there are no removable stores, frames are selected from the hive as they are filled with honey.

At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that there is so much honey in the nest that it will last for the winter, because bribes may suddenly be interrupted, and then it will be necessary to tinker with the feeding of families who have insufficient stocks of honey.

Devices and tools for printing out honeycombs