Councils with honey in folk medicine

Councils with honey in folk medicine

Aloe (century, Sabur).

For medicinal purposes, a thickened leaf juice is used. In folk medicine, the juice of fresh aloe leaves mixed with fat and honey in the following proportions is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the following proportions: honey of high-grade bee, especially lime honey, 100 grams of butter, 100% of internal fat, 100% of fresh pork fat, 15 fresh aloe, cocoa powder 100 grams. Take one tablespoon per glass of warm milk in the morning and evening.

Althaea officinalis. Over a thousand years ago Avicenna pointed to the high therapeutic properties of the altea. At present, marshmallows are used for inflammation of the urinary tract and respiratory organs. Tea made from althea flowers (one tablespoon of flowers per glass of water) with honey is taken over a tablespoon several times a day for the treatment of the above diseases.

The Pharmacological Committee of the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health approved thoracic tea No. 4, which includes: the root of the althea – 2 parts, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother – 2 parts, oregano – 1 part. It is very good to drink this tea with honey. To a glass of breast tea add a tablespoon of honey, which enhances the therapeutic activity of this tea.

Cowberry – an evergreen shrub of the family of cowberry. For medicinal purposes, mainly leaves of cranberries, which are widely and successfully used in folk medicine in the form of broths with kidney stones, rheumatism and gout. Apply infusion (20 g of cranberry leaves to a glass of water) and tea from cranberry leaves with honey (a tablespoon on a glass of infusion or tea), adding 20 g of honey for each glass of infusion.

The culture fluid of the tea mushroom on honey solution. Numerous observations have shown that the infusion of the tea fungus is a cultural fluid that regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal

tract (suppresses putrefactive pathogenic microflora), increases the protective properties of the body and works well for atherosclerosis, as well as for some other diseases. These data of traditional medicine are confirmed by laboratory studies and clinical observations of many researchers.

For the purpose of prevention, the culture fluid of the tea fungus can be consumed throughout life. A healthy person can drink 2-3 cups of culture fluid of a tea fungus a day, and the patient needs a doctor’s control.

People suffering from chronic diseases of the intestines, liver and bile ducts are advised to lie down on their right side after a reception of the culture liquid of the tea fungus and lie down for about 20 minutes so that the drink, without lingering in the stomach, quickly passes into the intestine. Take a healthy drink should be at least 2 months, being all the time under medical supervision.

In diseases of the stomach with high acidity, the culture liquid should be consumed with alkalis (soda, magnesia) or with alkaline mineral waters (Borjom, Slavic or Smirnovka). Shakaryan and Danieloz believe that the activity of the culture liquid is directly dependent on the sugar content in the nutrient medium: in the presence of 10% sugar, its activity is twice as high as at 5%.

The culture liquid is very useful for children, and it can be recommended instead of carbonated water, kvass, sietro, etc. Given that honey bees have good nutritional and therapeutic properties, it is recommended to add it to the culture fluid of the tea fungus.

Experiments showed that the most pleasant and useful drink was honey culture liquid, which contained 5% honey, 5% sugar and was enriched with vitamins C and B1.

A culture fluid containing 5% honey and 5% sugar has stronger bactericidal properties against the intestinal microbes than the culture liquid made from a single sugar (10%). However, it should be noted that high concentrations of honey suppress the growth and vital activity of the tea fungus.

Seven-eight-day vitaminized honey liquid of a tea fungus can be bottled, carefully corked and stored in a home refrigerator or in a cellar.

Bulb onions.

As a remedy, especially in combination with honey, onions were used even in the time of Hippocrates (about 2500 years ago). Avicenna pointed to the high bactericidal properties of the onions. K. Apinis recommends taking onion juice with honey for a strong cough.

This medicine is prepared as follows: 500 g of peeled and chopped bunch, 50 g of high-grade honey and 40 g of sugar are cooked in a liter of water over low heat for 3 hours; the liquid is cooled, poured into a bottle and densely clogged. The patient should drink 4-6 tablespoons a day.

A. Ruff advises a decoction of onion or its juice with honey for gargling 5-6 times a day. With heaviness in the chest, coughing, hoarseness and especially the elderly, a bow with honey of the following composition is recommended: a glass of rubbed onion is poured with a glass of vinegar, rubbed through four layers of gauze, add as much honey and give the patient a teaspoon every half hour.

A. Ertel and E. Bauer write that raw onions with honey and fresh apples are good for sore throats. Kashitsu of rubbed onions and apples with honey is taken orally every day with weakness of the bladder. A. Ruff recommends water decoction of onion and honey on a tablespoon three times a day as a good diuretic. He advises also to boil the onion juice with honey and give a teaspoon several times a day with a strong cough.

Raspberry with honey.

Instructions on the medicinal properties of raspberries date back to ancient times, when its dried fruits were used for feverish diseases, and tinctures from its flowers-as an antidote for snake bites. Currently, dried raspberries are used as one of the best sweatshops for colds. Some authors successfully used juice and raspberry tea with honey (better lime) with colds. Raspberry juice with honey is a good refreshing. Raspberry tea with honey should be drunk in a warm form instead of ordinary tea.

Lemon juice with honey.

Successfully applied in hypertensive disease, with insomnia and is recommended for people with increased nervous excitability. In a glass of water, Borzhom, Narzan dissolve a spoonful of high-grade honey and juice of half a lemon. It is a very pleasant and healthy drink. Lemon juice in combination with honey and olive oil is used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Mother and stepmother. The leaves of mother-and-stepmother are widely used in the form of broths and tea as an expectorant. Dried leaves of the mother-and-stepmother’s plant contain bitter glucoside (a substance that exerts a strong physiological effect on the animal body), tussilagine, and also gallic acid, inulin, essential oil, mucous, tannic and other substances.

The Pharmacological Committee approved for release a sweatshirt No. 2, which includes: leaves of mother-and-stepmother – 2 parts, raspberry berries – 2 parts and fragrant herb-1 part; thoracic tea number 1, which includes: leaves of mother-and-stepmother – 2 parts, root of althea-2 parts, oregano – 1 part. For tea it is useful to add a spoonful of honey.

Medynitsa officinalis.

Grass Medunitsa is used in folk medicine as an astringent. A. Ertel and E. Bauer recommend tea from a mixture of dried leaves of a lungwort, plantain, sage, centauges and wormwood with honey as a good expectorant for bronchitis, diseases of the throat, etc.

Radish with honey. A number of authors point to the high therapeutic properties of radish juice in combination with honey. K. Apinis recommends a mixture of 17 g of a glass of radish juice, a glass of honey of high-grade, half a glass of vodka, a teaspoon of salt rubbed into painful joints with rheumatism. The application of a rare juice with honey prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, sand in the liver. To get a good juice cut out or hollow out the middle of the radish and fill it with natural honey; After 3-4 hours, the juice with honey is ready. Adults are advised to take 2-3 tablespoons of juice, and children – a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening. Rare juice with honey was also successfully used for coughing, hoarseness, especially as a means of promoting sputum production.

Juices of vegetables with honey in hypertensive disease.

One glass of juice of red carrots, radishes, beets, horseradish (in a glass filled with shredded horseradish, add about 45-55 ml of vodka and insist for a day), a glass of honey and lemon juice. All carefully mixed with a wooden spatula or spoon made of stainless steel in enamelware.

Store in a closed glass container in a cool place (preferably in a refrigerator). Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating (a mixture of juices should be at room temperature, not cold). The course of treatment is two months. If the patient notes improvement in general condition and a slight decrease in blood pressure, then after a 2-day break, treatment can be repeated. It must be remembered that with gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and some other diseases, the intake of a mixture of juices is contraindicated.

Councils with honey in folk medicine