Beekeeping stock

Beekeeping stock

Fig. Equipment for the care of bees: 1 – facial mesh; 2 – smoke apiary DP; 3 – therapeutic smoke DPL; 4 – chisel of the apiary SPM; 5 – working box-stool; 6 – box for carrying frames; 7 – pilot block of the aircraft; 8 – feeder-box; 9 – the frame-frame.

Facial mesh.

Serves to protect the head and neck of the beekeeper from stinging. The net is made of light cotton fabric with pieces of black tulle in the front part. In the upper and lower parts of the net, wire hoops are sewn, so that the tulle does not fit against the face. From the bottom insert elastic, tightly pressing the mesh to the neck.

The deciduous apiary DP. Applied to smoke the bees with smoke.

Consists of a body and fur. The metal case has a tapered hinge cover opening with a hole for the exit of the smoke stream. Inside the case is a glass with a trellised bottom, into which dry rotten leaves are laid out of unsmooth woods, dry peat, tinder, dung.

Dymar therapeutic DPL. Used for fumigation of bee colonies by medicinal substances in varroatosis and other diseases of bees.

Chisel pasey SPM. Serves to disassemble the bee nest, push apart the frames, clear the frames and walls of the hive from wax build-ups and propolis, and perform many other works in the hive. One end of the chisel is bent at right angles and sharpened only from the outside. The other end is sharpened on both sides.

Scraper-blade PS. It is mainly used for cleaning the bottom and walls of hives. Like the chisel, it is made of steel, but has a wider blade.

Box for carrying frames.

Made from plywood and wooden bars with a tight-fitting lid. At the upper edges of the binding of the side walls of the box, pre-selected folds or fasten the straps for hanging 6 … 7 frames.

A work box. Serves for carrying beekeeping equipment and various materials while

working with bees in the apiary. Make in the form of a stool with-3 compartments. In one of the side compartments are put the inventory (chisel, knife, uterine cells, etc.), in the other they add cuttings of honeycombs, queen cells and other wax raw materials; The inner compartment is used to carry the pits.

Flight guardian of the air defense unit.

A metal plate with cutouts for the passage of bees, covering the entire gap of the tap hole. Nailed to the hive immediately after assembling the nests for wintering, even before the onset of cold weather, so that the mice did not enter the hive for the winter.

Feeders. They are used for feeding bees with sugar syrup during the autumn or spring replenishment of food reserves, for distributing stimulating feeding, therapeutic syrup and for the training of bees. Feeders come in a variety of designs. The most common of these are feeders in the form of a box and a frame.

The frame-frame, which is a two-sided nested frame, is placed on the side of the nest behind the diaphragm.

Inventory used in the reproduction of bee colonies and the extraction of queens.

Beekeeping stock

The uterine cell of CT.

Serves for temporary isolation from the bees of the uterus or queen. The body is made of tin, and the walls are made of wire mesh with 2.5 mm holes. From the bottom, a piece of wood is covered with a drilled groove for feeding; from above it is covered with a tin plate with an ellipsoidal hole for the queen cell and an oblong hole for the passage of the bees. Both openings can be opened or closed using a valve.

Uterine cap KM.

Applied in cases where it is required to isolate the uterus on the honeycomb for a short time (for example, when families are united, carrying a frame with a uterus to another hive, etc.).

The separating lattice P.

It is used if necessary to block access to the uterus in this or that part of the hive, to separate the queens from working bees at landfill swards, etc. It is a sheet of white tin with oblong holes measuring 4.4 x 28 mm.


It is necessary for the collection and temporary storage of swarms. It consists of a wooden frame, covered with a canvas. The bottom and half of the top are made of fine mesh. For better ventilation, the body of the rovney should stand on the foot.

Insulators. Designed for isolation of the uterus in order to obtain longevous larvae, used for the artificial extraction of queens. The factory makes a skeleton from aluminum or the zinced iron, and lateral walls – from a dividing lattice.

Insulator IPR has a height of 312 mm, IPRm – 242 mm. A frame with a good light-brown honeycomb is placed in the insulator. On the honeycomb, the uterus is released and, having closed the lid on the top with a lid, put in the middle of the nest of the bee family of a single-hull or multi-hull, respectively.


Applied for the production of artificial wax bowls. Represents a well-ground wooden stick 100 mm long and 8.5 … 9 mm in diameter.

Putty knife.

Serves to carry newly born larvae from honeycomb cells of honeycomb into artificial bowls. Made of aluminum wire with an extension at the end in the form of a spatula.

The graft frame. It is necessary for the artificial withdrawal of queens. This is an ordinary nesting frame, in which 3 horizontal slats are fastened.

Frame-nursery. It is a regular nest frame with nailed wooden holders for placing the uterine cells. In those cases where it is not possible to immediately distribute all the queen cells to families or nucleuses, they are isolated in uterine cells. Preliminarily, a crystallized honey is placed in a special cavity at the bottom of each cell, 5 … 6 young bees are allowed and queen cells are inserted through the upper opening. Prepared in this way, the cells are inserted into the holders of the frame-nursery and the latter is put for heating into the nest of any strong family.

Inventory for wear frames of artificial wax.

Beekeeping stock


Inventory for framing:

1 – board-templates for framing frames; 2 – punctate hole puncture cup;

3 – template for marking holes; 4 – board-templates

Board-templates for framing frames.

It is a frame with four slots, between which they lay and firmly press the standard frame bars with a wrap. The bars are hammered together with nails, after which they loosen the wrapper and take out the finished frame.


It serves to pierce the holes. Must have a needle thickness of not more than 1.3 mm.

Horsewhip puncher DKP. It serves to pierce the holes in the side slats of the hive frames, both conventional and with permanent dividers; in the first case, a metal insert is inserted into the groove of the hole punch, in the second – it is removed. Before starting work, the punch hole is fixed with screws or nails to a rigid base. In connection with the ability to move the slide along with the needles fixed in it, 5, 4 and 2 holes can be pierced in the bar for a single-hull, multi-hull and store.

Template for marking holes.

Apply when puncturing the holes with an awl in the side slats of the frames. It is a metal plate with four holes, equal in length to the height of the frame. The first hole is made at a distance of 15 mm from the top edge, the others – at equal distances from each other.

Board-templato for nasvaschivaniya frames.

It is a board board with a thickness of 12 mm, to which two slats or a sheet of plywood are nailed down. The ends of the strips or sheet should protrude from both sides of the shield by 25 … 30 mm. The shield is made somewhat smaller than the inner size of the frame. So, for a standard nest frame its value is 410 x 260 mm, for the nesting frame of a multi-hull hive is 410 И 190 mm and for a store frame is 410 И 105 mm.

The roller is combined with the spur of the KSH.

It consists of a grooved roller with a width of 12.5 mm and a spur gear on the same axis with a groove along the spur circumference. With the help of a roller, a wax is rolled up to the upper frame bar. The spur serves to solder the wire in an artificial wax.

Inventory for pumping and cleaning honey.

Beekeeping stock

Knife apiary NRSM.

They are used for printing out honeycombs and conducting other works with wax. When unpacking the combs, the knife is heated in hot water.

Knife Passechny steam LRNP.

The steam is heated, which is supplied from one of the hoses from the steam generator tank, and the steam is taken out through the other hose. The tank is placed on an electric stove or another source of heat.

Vibronozh VN.

Applied for printing honeycombs on large apiaries. It consists of a knife, a tank-steam generator and an electric motor. The latter transmits reciprocating motion to the steam-heated knife.


Served for pumping honey from the printed honeycombs. They consist of a metal tank, a rotor with cassettes for frames, a drive and a crane. When the rotor rotates under the influence of the centrifugal force, honey from the cells splashes, drips down the walls of the tank and collects at the bottom. By the method of placing honeycomb frames, honey extractors are divided into chordial and radial.

In chordial hands, the frame occupies the position of the chord and pumping out of honey is possible only on one side, after which the frame must be turned. Chordial honey extractors are non-negotiable and negotiable. In the latter, frames are placed in cassettes that can be swiveled to the walls of the tank by one side or the other. Distinguish medobonki, wrapped by hand and self-rotating (reversible), where the rotation of the cassettes occurs automatically at. deceleration of rotor rotation.

In order not to damage the combs, the rotor speed from 60 … 80 rpm is firstly gradually increased to 150 … 200 rpm and after extraction of 50 … 70% of honey, the honey catcher is stopped for the turnover of the honeycombs. On the other hand honeycomb honey is pumped out with increasing frequency from 60 … 100 rpm to 250 … 300 rpm, then the honeycomb is again wrapped and pumped out honey at the maximum rotor speed.

In radial medobonkah the plane of the frame is located along the radius of the rotor, it is not necessary to wrap the honeycomb. The rotational speed of the rotor should also increase smoothly, reaching 300 rpm in the second half of the cycle. They produce electrically driven honey extractors: MP-50A – radial electrified for 50 frames of multi-body or 25 frames of double-hull beehives with automatic speed control and M4 / 32RE electrified, operating in radial mode for 32 frames and in chordial for 4 frames.

The manually operated hand belts are MP / 32P and M4 / 24P, operating in a radial mode for 32 and 24 store frames and chordial for 4 frames, as well as chordal frames for 4 frames – M4R, for 2 frames – M2R and tapeless for 3 framework – IBZ.

Containers for honey.

Plants produce several containers with a capacity of 50 kg. Capacity EMK, made of stainless steel sheet, is intended for transportation and storage of honey, and EDM and EDMK – from rolled aluminum alloys – only for its transportation.

Sediment for cleaning and ripening honey. It is a tank made of sheet aluminum or tinned from within steel with a capacity of 400 or 800 kg. At a height of 50 mm from the bottom, the tank has a tap for draining the settled honey.

Inventory for the processing of wax raw materials in the apiary.

Solar wax-up.

This wooden box is an inclined cover consisting of two parallel panes. Under the lid is placed a baking tray of white tin, to which wax raw materials are put for perevotki. Melted under the sun, the wax flows down in the trough. The voskotopku is strengthened on a pillar dug into the earth so that it can be rotated around its axis during the day. With this, the sun’s rays will fall perpendicular to the glass and it is better to heat the wax-up. To re-heat on a solar vosktoppke it is possible only damaged or incorrectly built up light shop nesting honeycombs, the waxed outgrowths scraped from the framework of frames, cell caps, etc., are obtained. As a result of overthrowing, the first-class wax-kapanets is obtained. The remaining waste – the dewdrops contain up to 50% wax and they are processed by pressing, as well as the dark sushi.

Beekeeping stock

Fig. Inventory and equipment for the processing of wax raw materials and other equipment: a – solar wax-up; b – pasechnoe voskopress VTP: 8 – stupa; 9 – pressure screw; Ч – steam vosktopka VTP; З – the same, marks чф-11: 1 – the external case; 2 – the internal case; 3 – cassette; 4 – safety valve; 5 – honeycomb frames; 6 – drainage branch; 7 – tap for water discharge; Д – the pollutant PU

Steam wax-up.

It is designed for processing fermented wax materials. The plants produce waxes of VTP and VT-11. The first is used on small apiaries. It consists of the outer and inner tanks and the lid. Into the inter-walled space, 5 to 6 liters of water are poured, the inner tank is filled with waxy raw material, covered with a lid, and the wax-up is put on a heat source. The resulting steam, passing through the openings of the inner tank, melts the wax that flows through the drain pipe. For 45 … 60 minutes you can process about 3 kg of raw materials.

The VT-11 wax-up consists of an internal aluminum tank, an outer steel tank, a lid, a mesh cassette, two taps and a safety valve. 80 liters of water are poured into the interstitial space, 20 cellular frames or 13 … 15 kg of land are loaded into the cassette. In eight hours, 140 cellular frames are being re-heated. In addition to processing sushi, the wax-up is used for settling and sterilization of previously waxed wax, disinfection of small inventory, diaphragms, linen, as well as the preparation of sugar syrup and hot water.

Voskopress apiary.

It serves to extract wax from pre-baked wax raw materials. Voskopress is placed on a sump (a barrel filled with hot water), a cruciformly connected rope is laid on the lower wooden lattice, and burlap is placed on it.

Then, the cooked land is poured in portions, interlaid with straw, and after filling the stupa, the burlap sacks are wrapped, tied with a rope, and covered with wooden pulp. The pressure of the screw is strengthened gradually, so as not to break the burlap. The pressed wax, together with hot water, flows into the sump. The remaining measure in the package is cleaned from the straw, dried and delivered to the harvesting stations. The sump is covered with a lid and insulated. With slow cooling, the wax is better cleaned from foreign impurities settling to the bottom and floating over the bulk of the wax. Press capacity 11 kg per hour, working volume of stupa 13 liters.

Other inventory.

Pulp collector PU. Serves to collect pollen brought by bees. It consists of a wooden frame with a lid, a grille for the passage of bees, a box for pollen, covered with a net, tubes for the exit of bees. It is attached by hinges to the front wall of the hive against the lower tap. Passing through the aperture of the grate, the bee loses patches, which, falling through the net, fall into the box.

To the same group are tinder, beeper, general purpose drinkers, beetles for hives, tents for inspecting bees in a time-free period, scales for control hives, carpentry tools, shovels, psychrometers, barometers, thermometers, etc.

Intra-basin transport and loading and unloading mechanisms.

Beekeeping stock

The trolley is apiary TP. It is intended for transportation of beehives, inventory and other cargoes on an apiary. It is produced by the Sterlitamak plant of beekeeping equipment. Load capacity 150 kg, cargo platform size 63 x 115 cm, platform height from ground level 30.5 cm.

Trolley-lift construction NIIP. It allows not only to transport beehives, but also to raise and lower the shells when inspecting bees, and also to load beehives into the body of the car or to the shelves of the winter hut. Carrying capacity 100 kg, lifting height 1.98 m, platform size 93 x 93 cm.

Hydrocran 4030P. For loading and unloading hives with bees use a hydrocrake with a carrying capacity of 0.5 tons, installed on a ZIL-130. The boom of the crane at 3.6 m allows you to load hives 2 nearby standing machines and put the hives on your platform. To speed up the work, 3 … 6-seater containers are used, consisting of a metal pallet, a clamping frame and a clamping device.

Semi-trailer-van ODAZ-857B. On one platform with a payload capacity of 6 tons, 50 multi-hull beehives are placed. Hives with bees put on the platform in the spring immediately after the exhibition, and cleaned in the fall.

Beekeeping stock