Bee venom in medicine

Bee venom in medicine

According to the instructions, bee stings can be used mainly in the following diseases:

1. Rheumatic diseases (rheumatic polyarthritis, rheumatic diseases of muscles, rheumatic heart disease);

2. Nonspecific infectious polyarthritis;

3. Deforming spondylarthrosis;

4. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (lumbosacral radiculitis, sciatic nerve inflammation, as well as femoral, facial and other nerves, intercostal neuralgia, polyneuritis, etc.);

5. Trophic ulcers and sluggishly granulating wounds;

6. Vascular surgical diseases (thrombophlebitis without purulent process, endarteriosis, atherosclerotic lesion of the vessels of the extremities);

7. Inflammatory infiltrates (without suppuration);

8. Bronchial asthma;

9. Migraine;

10. Hypertonic disease of stages I and II;

11. Irits and pridotsiklity. In addition, some authors include in the number of indications thyrotoxicosis I and II stages, Meniere’s symptom complex and other diseases.

Contraindications for the use of bee stings:

1. Idiosyncrasy to bee venom;

2. Tuberculosis;

3. Infectious diseases:

4. Mental illness;

5. Diseases of the liver and pancreas in the stage of exacerbation;

6. Kidney disease, especially those associated with hematuria;

7. Diseases of the adrenal cortex and, in particular, Addison’s disease;

8. Sepsis and acute diseases;

9. Decompensation of the cardiovascular system;

10. Organic diseases of the central nervous system;

11. General exhaustion of the body;

12. Diseases of blood and blood-forming system with a tendency to bleeding.

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Bee venom in medicine