A peculiar winter hut

A peculiar winter hut

The scheme of the greenhouse: a – partially composed; b – mounted completely.

There are many options for building greenhouses. This is a kind of construction of multifunctional purpose with a spatial casing of plastic pipes and awning or film coating.

The frame is made from polyvinylchloride pipes in the form of arches 7, which are supported by roller resistance 8. At the top of the arches, the fastening elements 5, due to which along the missed cable 4 – it is necessary during the compilation and establishment of the arches. The frame is connected by flexible synthetic clamps 3. The structure has risers 10, tension equipment 2 and two anchors 1, which are screwed into the basis for possible dismantling. Cover 6 and 9 are installed after the frame is mounted. It is attached to the frame by means of lining of plastic pipes along the entire arc of the arch.

Depending on the needs of the owner, the structure can be transformed partially or completely (similarly to an accordion) using a cable.

This design can be used as a greenhouse in spring, as a shelter for vegetables in the fall, and in winter it is possible to preserve the apiary here. Therefore, the coatings are chosen different – transparent film or a variety of awning fabric.

A peculiar winter hut