To ensure that bee colonies grow better

To ensure that bee colonies grow better

With the advent of spring, just before our eyes, the bee family grows, grows stronger and stronger. In the midday hours, young bees fly more and more often, flying and noisy in flight, for the first time in their life saw the sun and flowers. It is not by chance that the beekeepers call the “youth” a “player”. They remember the place of their residence, get acquainted with the surroundings, are preparing to become collectors. Small flares become narrower. To bees do not interfere with each other at the tap, they have to expand.

The abundant supply of fresh honey and perga has a favorable effect on the separation of wax from bees. At this time, the builders align the cell walls, repair the damaged sections of the honeycomb, repair irregularities, update the nests, erect new honeycombs. In addition, the uterus in the spring tend to lay eggs not in dark, but in light, new cells. To get more new honeycomb, the nests of growing families are gradually expanding.

To provoke bees to build honeycombs, artificially create a free space much wider than the aisles, in other words, “tear” the nest, pushing one part away from the other. In such wide streets, bees are uncomfortable to move around and move from a honeycomb to a honeycomb. This beast is eliminated by bees-masters. They will immediately begin to restore the solidity of the wax nest. In a very short time, for a day or two, a new white lace honeycomb will grow in this gap. To speed up the process of cellular construction, bees are given a wax. It is manufactured in special factories and is sold in beekeeping stores. The wax sheet is inserted into the nest frame, in which the soft wire is horizontally stretched.

Electricity is soldered into the wax with the help of a step-down transformer with a current of 6-12 V. It only takes a few seconds. The wax sheet is now firmly held in the frame. A frame with

a wax is placed in the nest between the brood honeycombs. Here are young bees – the most skilled craftsmen whose wax glands intensively excrete wax. Literally in a few hours, thousands of cells grow and honeycombs are ready. The uterus immediately fills it with eggs.

During the flowering of early spring meadows (willow and maple), bees can be given 2 to 3 leaves of honeycomb. During the period of maximum waxing, strong families can be put on 3-4 at the same time, and in the hives of the newest designs – 5-6 frames with a wax. For 5-7 days, bees will build excellent honeycombs. During the season, the bee family can rebuild 8-10, and in multi-hive families – up to 20 honeycombs.

In spring, the uterus lays eggs in the warmest part of the nest: above, if the bees live in a multi-hull beehive, or in the middle – in a lounger and a 12-hive beehive. From the upper compartment to the lower one, where it is colder), she descends reluctantly, all the while trying to go back. Poorly she develops and lateral honeycombs in a horizontal hive.

To the uterus could put more eggs, in a lounger and a 12-frame hive to the brood honeycombs or between them put a frame with a wax. In a multi-hull, the hulls are exchanged. With the chisel behind it separate the upper case from the lower one, raise it up enough to see the bottom of the combs. The bees drive away smoke. From the bottom up, the family has built a wax, or not yet, whether it is crowded or too spacious for it, whether there is much brood, whether it prepares for swarming.

If most of the honeycombs are visible brood, then this indicates that the free cells of the uterus is not enough. This body is lowered to the bottom, and in its place is raised the lower one. In it the frames are free from honey and brood.

The hulls are swapped so. Remove the roof, put it in front of the hive roofing down. On it a clean bottom is put across. Between the bodies enter a chisel, press it like a lever. In the resulting gap, 2-3 smoke streams are allowed to drive away the bees from the place of rupture. The upper shell is raised and placed on the cooked bottom. Then the lower body, along with the bottom, is taken to the side. A casing with a clean bottom is installed on the stand. The body is transferred to it, which was earlier from below. The nest is covered with a ceiling and a roof. A restrictive insert is inserted into the tray. It is more convenient to carry out this work together.

The uterus, having risen upwards, again receives free honeycombs, which it will fill almost two weeks. No disassembly of the socket at this time is needed. The bees, restoring the habitual order for them, carry honey from the bottom up, where it should be, eat strong, the wet-nurses give out a lot of milk, the uterus more readily learns loose honeycombs. The family becomes very active.

The nest in which the corps is not repositioned, restrains the work of the uterus, turns a modern multi-hull into a primitive deck. In addition, the lower body, if it is not systematically raised up, the bees are quickly clogged with pollen. They put it down usually below, under the brood nest. For the uterus, this part of the nest becomes inadequate.

Changing the buildings is a double step: it increases the growth of the family and at the same time delays the swarming – growing families almost do not swarm.

Move the shells every 10-12 days. After filling the bodies with brood, honey and perga, the nest is expanded with a third body. Put it on top. More shells do not change places.

A three-storey house is usually occupied by a good family during flowering gardens. From them, bees collect a lot of nectar and pollen.

In addition to nectar and pollen, bees harvest propolis. This happens in the middle of the day, when the air: warms up well and the sticky substance of the kidneys softens. The pieces of propolis are formed in the same way as the pollen granules. Brown-green propolis beetles are delivered to the beehive and placed on the walls of the hive or bars of frames, where material is needed to seal cracks, gluing frames, plaster ceilings, polishing honeycomb.

Bees can collect other sticky substances – paint, tar, garden var, plasticine. Their appearance in the nest indicates the poverty of the terrain with sources of propolis. Hence, it is necessary to plant trees rich in propolis – birch, poplar, aspen, chestnut.

To ensure that bee colonies grow better