Sweater from the stings of bees

Sweater from the stings of bees

For several years now I have kept my bees in the pavilion. It is convenient to work in it, but on a hot summer day, air inside a closed pavilion, which has a metal outer skin, despite foam plastic insulation, sometimes warms up to 40 њ C.

Naturally, working at this temperature, and even in a dressing gown, putting on outer clothing, you literally sweat later, which is very irritating to bees. It is much easier to work at dawn, when it’s still cool. But this is not always the case.

I found a way out of the situation, in an article about knitted double nylon gloves. Tried these gloves – very much. It was not difficult to bind a double sweater from a capron line with a diameter of 0.3 mm. And for two seasons I worked with bees in this sweater, putting it on the heat directly on my naked body. Such equipment is well protected against stinging.

Those who wish to tie such a sweater, I advise pre-boil the line with the bobbin for 20-30 minutes in an aqueous solution of aniline dye.

Painted line is much easier to knit – it is more noticeable.

Sweater from the stings of bees