Stone honey

Stone honey

Stone honey is rare and unique. Collect his wild bees, laying in the clefts of stone cliffs. This honey is pale yellow, with a pleasant aroma and taste. Cells with honey contain little wax and are a crystallized substance, which, for consumption, has to be chopped off like a candy. Unlike ordinary honey honey, stone honey is almost not linden and therefore does not require special containers. It is well preserved, without changing its qualities for several years. On the regional basis, that is, at the place of origin, it is also called Abkhazian honey.

It should be pointed to the artificial stone honey, which was made earlier in Bashkiria from the crystallized phony honey. In special ovens from this honey moisture evaporated, and it became so hard that it was quite consistent with its name. There is no need to prove that from the point of view of food hygiene such honey lost its most valuable substances (enzymes, vitamins, etc.).

Stone honey