Selection and pumping of honey

Selection and pumping of honey

In case of inadequate provision of bee colonies with honeycombs, the honey is pumped out as the frames are filled with honey and the zabrus (honey prints) appears in the upper part of the frames.

In order not to distract the bees from work, the selection of honey frames is carried out towards evening. Seated on the bees shake a sharp jerk, and the remaining sweep the soft broom into the hive. Instead of the seized frames put empty.

Selection of honey frames is laborious. Therefore, we must use rational methods. Good results are obtained with the use of a beeper, through which bees can pass only one way. If you put the remover under the store, then by the next day all the bees will go into the nest, the store frames will be free of bees and they can be easily taken away.

It is more practical to free store frames from bees with carbolic acid or propionic anhydride. To do this, make a frame of the rack to the size of the store. On the one hand, nail thin plywood, oilcloth or tarpaulin, on the other in several rows pull the wire. In the middle put cotton, and on top of cotton wool covered with gauze or sackcloth and fastened with nails. The cotton is impregnated with a 75% solution of purified carbolic acid, which looks almost transparent crystals. If the weather is hot, the acid concentration is reduced to 50%. From the store with honey or from the body, the canvas is removed first and an acid-moistened frame is placed for several minutes instead. Bees do not like the smell of carb and quickly leave the honeycomb.

Using two frames at the same time, you can quickly remove shops and cases. However, do not long-term exposure to carbolic acid vapors on bees and brood, it is not harmless.

Beekeepers noticed that with frequent selection of honey, bees are working more actively. But in large apiaries, because of the high laboriousness of the work, with sufficient provision of

honey bees, the removal of shops and the pumping out of honey is carried out after the end of the honey crop, when the daily growth of the hive is below 300 g.

It is necessary to remember that honey can be pumped out anywhere during the main honey harvest, even under a canopy, and at will, but after taking a cool and cool days, work can be done only in a warm room that is inaccessible to the bees. Especially it is necessary to be cautious with selection of honey and survey of hives in case of a sharp breakage of a bribe. In this case, the honey withdrawn from the hives is best pumped out immediately, without waiting for its cooling. Otherwise, it is poorly pumped out, and at the same time a lot of the honeycombs break.

To print out the honeycombs on large apiaries, a mechanical machine, a vibratory knife and a cellular plane are used. On small apiaries honeycombs are printed with a beekeeping curved knife.

To print out the honeycombs use a special table, and in its absence, you can adjust the pan by erecting over it a wooden crossbar. The honeycomb is cut alternately with alternating two knives: one knife is heated in boiling water, the other is cut off the caps of honeycombs so that as little as possible there is honey left on them.

For pumping honey, honey is used with a capacity of 2 to 50 frames. Medobonki on a design are chordial and radial with manual and with an electric drive.

In chordial medobonkah honey is pumped first from one side, and then from the other side of the honeycomb, while the cassettes are turned. In radial medobonkah honey is pumped simultaneously from both sides of the honeycomb.

For convenience in work and periodic draining of honey, honey should be placed on a flat flat cross. Its height depends on the growth of the beekeeper and the dishes placed under the tap for draining the honey.

To ensure a smooth rotation of the honey extractor when pumping honey, the mass of honey frames on opposite sides of the rotor should be approximately equal. In the honey, frames are placed with the bottom bars in the direction of the axis of rotation. First, the rotor of the honey extractor is rotated slowly, then gradually accelerated. After partial evacuation of honey from one side, the cassette frames are turned to pump honey from the other side. To avoid damage to the honeycomb, it is best to pump out each side twice.

The frames pushed aside at the end of the honey-gathering season are put (by several shops) in the evening by strong families for drying them. To pass the bees to the frames, the canvas above the nest is slightly bent.

It is noticed that the gray mountain Caucasian bees are more willing and quicker to dry out honeycombs in comparison with the Central Russian bees and their mixes.

Bees, draining the framework, often fold honey into separate cells of the same honeycombs. In such cases it is recommended to put the frames in an inverted form, shoulders down. This can not be done if you do not put a ceiling shelter on top of the drained frames. The free above-frame space, as well as the penetration of light, stimulate the bees to quickly and completely clean the honeycombs.

Many beekeepers to reduce labor costs, dry land for its drying is placed near the apiary. With precautions, this is permissible and will not cause theft of bees, if there is confidence that there are no strangers in the vicinity or they are healthy. It is noticed that if bees drain honeycombs long before the evening, they begin to gnaw the wax. To prevent this from happening, the honeycomb should be exhibited gradually to ensure the work of the bees until evening.

If the framework is not drained, honey in them can be sugared or sour, which is highly undesirable.

Selection and pumping of honey