Removal of bees from greenhouses after the end of the growing season

Removal of bees from greenhouses after the end of the growing season

In winter greenhouses the first turn is usually grown cucumbers. As soon as there is a mass supply of cucumbers from the open ground, plants from the greenhouses are removed.

After processing and disinfection of soil and plant residues, the monthly seedlings of cucumbers or tomatoes are planted again. Fruiting of cucumbers after planting will begin approximately in a month, and tomatoes – in 2 months.

The practice of growing early vegetables showed that autumn-winter turnover gives a small, expensive harvest, so when growing cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses, one more extended turnover is used. The rest of the time, greenhouses are used for forcing onions or pre-cultivated crops – celery, parsley, etc.

If, when changing cultivated crops, chemical treatment is not carried out in the greenhouse, then the bees are left in the greenhouse.

When processing plant remains and soil with sulfur dioxide, formalin and other preparations, the bees from the greenhouses are removed, the beehives are moved to the apiary. Bee from the greenhouses endure when they are all assembled (morning or evening). In the case when the apiary from the greenhouses is removed by less than 3 km, the beehives delivered to the apiary to prevent the bees going to fly are put down close to the bushes and tree trunks. In the absence of such landmarks on the landing boards put loose grass, and before the tap put the branches of plants. All this delayed the flight and alarmed the bees. Meeting on its way an obstacle, bees, before flying for honey, do a fly around the hive and memorize a new place. Some of the old bees still return to their original place. To avoid their death, the exit hole in the greenhouse is glazed and smeared with putty. Returned bees,

To prevent the bees from flying to the old place, they can be put to sleep with ether, carbon dioxide and smoke of nitrogen-ammonium salt.

The sleepy bees fall to the bottom of the hive. The duration of sleep (5-30 minutes) depends on the dose of sleeping pills and access to the hive of fresh air. Awakened bees forget the former location of the beehive.

When working with ether and carbon dioxide, precaution is required, their large doses are toxic to humans. The smoke of the nitrogen-ammonium salt is less harmful. At the same time to put the bees to sleep, take a handful of grinded dry rotting and mix with 1/3 teaspoon of nitrogen-ammonium salt. The mixture is poured into a kindled smoke. Appears white smoke (laughing gas) – nitrous oxide, which has a narcotic effect. For the average sleep of bees, only a few jets of smoke are required in the hive’s hive. Overdose of gas adversely affects bees.

In the past, sleepy gas was used for transplanting bees from duplexes to frame hives, when examining bee-eaters, organizing litters, connecting families, and carrying bees for a short distance.

It is more convenient to use a nitrogen-ammonium salt, if a 20% solution of it soak rags, and after drying, use it in the smoke.

Sopping action, only to a lesser extent, have mushroom-raincoats. In the south of the country, they are called puhlavki, and in Siberia – porohovitsy.

During the preparation of the hives to be removed from the greenhouses, care should be taken to ensure that, together with the hives, they do not tolerate spider mite and powdery mildew dispute, which is done negligently. By the end of the vegetative period of plants, care for them is weakened. As a result, powdery mildew, mite and other diseases and pests reproduce. It is noticed that bees collect powdery dew in the renewal and put them into honeycombs. In the coming season, they can spread mildew spores over plants and infect them. To prevent this, bee colonies must have enough pergies in the nests, this will save them from having to collect a surrogate.

Sometimes a beekeeper, unaware of the consequences, closes the opening holes with leaves that have been torn off from diseased plants and pests.

In order to avoid getting to the beehive of sources of diseases and pests, they should not be removed from the greenhouses when opening them.

In order to prevent from diseases and pests of plants, it is recommended to wipe exposed hives from greenhouses with a solution of soap with caustic soda.

Removal of bees from greenhouses after the end of the growing season