Promising express method of honey production
In experiments, bees processed into honey not only juices of food products, but also medicinal substances with an unpleasant taste and smell (quinine, mold, etc.). Bees are easily accustomed to the taste and smell of any medicine. To do this, add a tiny dose of drug substance to the sweet solution, and then gradually increase them. Thus, the laboratory assistant bees quickly got used to the unpleasant, in our understanding, solutions and willingly cooked honey from them.
The experiments showed that the express method of obtaining honey is applicable everywhere, irrespective of the climate, the time of the year, the construction of the hive and the breed of bees.
Express method opens great prospects, as it gives the opportunity to completely subordinate the livelihoods of the bee family, and consequently, turns the apiary into a factory that allows you to get the honey of the desired composition.
Promising express method of honey production