Processing of bees by folbeks
When processing bees with folbeks in the hive, there must be an empty space so that the strip of this drug can hang freely. For this purpose, in a multi-hull hive, one or two frames must be removed each time. There are times when strips light up, and if it does not completely decay, then you have to repeat the treatment. To avoid all these inconveniences, I made a special device.
In the polyethylene lid 2 made two holes with a diameter of 16 mm. In one put a rubber tube 3, departing from the car pump, in another – the same tube 5, going to the tray. Their ends, lowered into the jar 1, have different lengths – 120 and 30 mm, respectively. In the larger 3, from the side of the strip of folbeke 4, cut out several holes. The end of the tube 5 has an oblique cut. On the outside of the tube attached a nozzle in the form of a taphole. The total length of each tube is arbitrary. A strip of folksa inside the can is suspended using a crocodile clip (not shown in the figure).
I conduct the treatment according to the instructions. As the strip strips, I pumped the air into the jar with a pump. Formed smoke through tube 5 enters the hive. The strip is smoldering for 10 minutes. After that, the tray is tightly closed for one hour. For the processing of one family I spend 12-15 minutes.
Processing of bees by folbeks