Preparing for honey

Preparing for honey

By the beginning of a bribe, the family should have not only many bees, but also brood, mainly printed. Otherwise, with a long bribe, when many bees are rastered, the family can greatly weaken and not use the end of the bribe. That is why it is important that the uterus does not interrupt the laying of eggs before the main bribe.

Before a bribe, it is necessary, if possible, to finish all urgent work in the nests of families, so that then, in the midst of a bribe, do not disturb the bees by disassembling the nests, which prevents the bees from collecting nectar. It is very important to prepare a sufficient number of frames with a dry land and with artificial honey to fill the hives. You should also stock an artificial wax.

The stock of land should always be under the hand, and the frame with the land should be given to families without the slightest delay, so that the hive consistently contained a number of cells with empty cells. The advantage of a full land supply can be seen especially well in poor years of honey production, when bees almost do not build honeycombs, but honey is collected in the finished dry land. It is necessary to have in good order a honey-heel, knives, utensils for honey and other necessary inventory.

With a detachable bottom, the hive rises from the front to the wedges to form a spacious course for the bees.

It is necessary to increase ventilation to evaporate water from unripe honey. In hot days, you can open the corner of the cover canvas or slightly push out the ceiling boards.

Stores of shops. Before setting up shops, you need to carefully inspect the nests. If it detects queen cells, they must be destroyed. When you inspect, it turns out that you should or should not put the store, and what – full or incomplete.

If there are many bees in a hive and at the same time bees begin to contribute a significant amount of nectar; and

the combs start to turn white at the top of their base, then it shows that it’s time to put shops on 12-frame hives.

First you need to fill out the boxes with frames. If you have to apply dry land and artificial wax, then the latter is best placed in stores alternately with dry land, or in the middle of the nest, and dry to the sides. In this case, the cells will be built up more quickly and correctly than with any other arrangement of the frames.

It is not advisable to put a store full of artificial wax. With a short but rough bribe (5-8 kg per day) bees will have nowhere to add nectar. While the bees will be rebuilt 12 half-frames, a few days will pass, and the main mass of the honey trees will blossom. As a result, there will be a large shortage of honey.

In places with an abundant and stormy bribe, you need to have 2-3 stores with detached honeycombs on each hive. Only in this case is it possible to get a large yield of marketable honey.

Of course, in each store should be given 3–4 frames with an artificial wax. This way, the wax is collected, which is released during the bribe.

In the store instead of 12 put only 9-10 half-frames, but they are placed less often. Then the bees thicken the comb. In such honeycombs the uterus does not lay eggs, but for the folding of honey they are particularly desirable. This also increases the ventilation in the hive, which is necessary during the honey harvest.

A good honey land should be protected from year to year. With the setting of the store do not need to be late. The fact is that when we put a store, we give not only the land for folding honey, but at the same time we expand it with a nest. In turn, this eliminates the narrowness and inhibits the manifestation of a swarm instinct.

If the hive has 7-8 frames of brood and the entire nest is filled with frames densely covered with bees, then you can put a full store, especially if the control hive is already starting to show profits. The family is slightly weaker, or in the event that the bribes are still insignificant, you can give a store half filled with frames. With an incomplete nest, you can not put a store. Here it is necessary only to fill in the nest as necessary, and after checking whether the store is needed. With a good bribe, you should start inspecting the stores in 2-3 days after they are staged.

In order not to prevent honey bees from collecting bees, it is better to carry out the inspection in the evening. When looking around, there is no need to disassemble the entire store: just look at the 3-4 frames to see how full it is.

If the storefronts fall across the nests, then usually they are filled with bees: the middle of the frames is more complete, and the ends are weaker. If the store frames are located along the nesting frames, then the most complete frames are the middle ones, and the side frames are slightly flooded or completely empty. In this case, when examining, you can make a rearrangement of the frames, namely: medium, as more filled with honey, move to the edges, and the extreme to the middle. The second store should be given without waiting for the bees to start printing honey in the first, otherwise there may be a large shortage of honey. The second store is placed between the socket and the first store.

In the absence of second shops, it is often necessary to inspect the hives and select frames filled with honey. If the bribe begins to weaken, then instead of the new store, only a few empty frames are placed in place of the honey ones. Since the bees fill with honey first the nest frames, and then go to the shops, the result is that honey in the nest is earlier collected and therefore most desirable for wintering. Until the end of the honey, you should not take honey from the nests of 12-frame hives. He must go to winter. Bees do not go to the store most often in cases where not all nesting frames are densely covered with bees; if the bribes have not yet begun; at too big shop (thus the nest is cooled and bees are bored on brood); if the store is filled with poor-quality dry matter; when the store is filled with artificial wax,

Therefore, the general rule is this: the store must be put on time, that is, when the family begins to need it.

If you want to force the bees to go to extensions, then you should transfer into them several nesting frames with brood and bees. In this case, the bees will follow the brood.

Preparing for honey