Pavilion equipment for bees

Pavilion equipment for bees

A warmed pavilion for keeping 4-10 families of bees can have a minimum area (from 6 to 10 m2), but at the same time an auxiliary room is needed to store inventory and equipment (reserve parts of hives, honeycombs, etc.) with the same or larger area. You can not insulate the storage room.

With up to 4-5 families, the tapholes in the pavilion can be located at one wall, and with 8-10 families in pavilions close to square, the flaps are made in two walls, preferably from the East and West sides.

To ensure a coincidence with the beacons of the hives, the slots in the pavilion wall are edged with 20X25 mm rails.

If it is supposed to place the tapholes at one wall, then this could be the southern side, which is the most favorable in our locality.

In contrast to the free location of the hives on the site, in the insulated pavilion they never overheat, and the late and early spring warming of the flights with the sun promotes additional flying around the bees, shortening the non-billeting period.

When bees are located in the attic of a house visited by inhabitants in the winter, it is desirable to provide, if possible, the vibration isolation of the part of the floor on which the hives are located. This is achieved with a shield of 50-millimeter boards, freely laid at the wall of the pavilion for the insulation of the ceiling of the house, consisting of a 200-mm layer of sawdust with the addition of 5% lime.

Obligatory condition: the floor under the hives should not touch the walls of the house or the main part of the floor of the pavilion. Well, if it will be covered with a common floor linoleum, preferably insulated. In this case, the vibrations that occur in the house or in the pavilion affect the bees significantly less.

As observations have shown, relative rest to bees is needed only in winter. However, it was noticed that regular visits to the cottage with

children on weekends, when there was a noise and running around in the house, did not lead to a deterioration of the bees.

The thermal insulation of the walls of the pavilion should be no worse than that provided by a wooden wall 100-120 mm thick. As a backfill of frame walls, the same mixture of sawdust with the addition of lime (20 buckets of sawdust bucket of lime) is recommended, and for external finishing – sawdust plaster applied to the crate, with the surface layer being cemented with cement mortar and coated with lime paints.

Backfilling due to the humidity of sawdust, when combined with lime, reliably seizes and turns into a loose plate, which, like the sawdust plaster, perfectly preserves heat. At the same time, these materials are permeable to water vapor and air, and therefore do not require special ventilation of the pavilion, when it contains up to 8-10 families.

The natural ventilation of the pavilion is improved, and the relative humidity of the air in it is reduced if the pavilion is slightly heated in the winter. So, when the temperature in the pavilion rises by 7 њ C, the outside air, which has a temperature of 0 њ C and 100% humidity, will not lower the temperature in the pavilion, but the humidity will reach 80%, which will allow using only natural ventilation to remove pavilion with each cubic meter of air to 2.5 g of water. Without heating in the pavilion can accumulate dampness.

The need for additional ventilation equipment in the pavilion is determined depending on the level of air permeability through its walls, ceiling and floor, as well as the number of bee families located there.

The main condition: in the pavilion and in the hives must be dry. Ventilation should not take heat out of the pavilion. Its other purpose is to remove the moisture formed in the hives.

For natural lighting, smoke extraction when working with smoke and ensuring that bees can leave the pavilion there must be a transom or a window opening in the pylon’s access wall, above the hives. In the pavilion there should be an electric lighting, preferably a combined one – from fluorescent and incandescent lamps (with shades). Such lighting does not create shadows that interfere with work, and does not burn bees. After all, with open hives, the bees that fly out of them tend to the window or to the lamps.

If a lot of bees accumulate in the pavilion, before the operation in the next hive, the lighting is turned off for 2-3 minutes, and all the bees from the pavilion can quickly fly out into the open window or the transom. In the pavilions with windows or transoms in the wall opposite to the hives, the bees, when viewed, behave more aggressively, as they take off, meet the beekeeper on his way to the window. If there are several windows or light sources in the pavilion, only those that are located above the hive should be opened or switched on.

Having in the pavilion more than 4-5 families of bees in multi-hull beehives, it is advisable to equip the lighting so that for every 3-4 families it is necessary for a transom (dimensions of at least 1000 x 300 mm) and 2 fluorescent lights. And the lamps are installed above the transom, so that most of the bees fly up straight to the open transom.

Pavilion equipment for bees