Paseychnye and subsidiary outbuildings

Paseychnye and subsidiary outbuildings

Usually pasechnye buildings (heated house, sotohranilische, zimovnik for bees, storage for fodder and stocks, warehouses) are erected on central manors, where, at the end of the season of work, bees in the greenhouses and in the wild carry all bee families and property. If the beekeeper lives at the department or near it, and the conditions for the development of bees are favorable, then appropriate buildings are built, thereby reducing the cost of transporting bees, and reducing their anxiety.

For all paseychnye buildings, except for storage for feed, there are typical projects. However, for greenhouse beekeeping these projects need separate changes and additions.

For farms of a typical project 76 from 600 to 2400 bee colonies, a house with an area of ​​360 m2 has been designed, where separate rooms are provided for pumping honey, preparing feeds, processing raw materials, repairing inventory, as well as a thermo room, beekeeping rooms for clothes, a bathroom. To the beehive house adjoins the sotohranilische.

In the sotohranilische sush, in order to avoid damage to her moth, hang on racks. Because of the laboriousness of this work, many beekeepers store their dung in stacks in buildings where there is no draft, which the mole is afraid of. Therefore, the dry land in the hulls can be hit by a moth. To combat the moth, lower temperatures (up to 13 њ C) are used. To ensure this temperature, a well was drilled near the sinkhole, from which water was supplied by an electric pump with a capacity of 180 l / min to the cooling system. The room thermostat maintains the set temperature. In the central regions of the country, there is no need to do such a thing if you are building underground storage facilities, in which the temperature even on hot summer days does not exceed 10 њ C, which makes it possible to store there dry land without fear of moth damage.

With the advent

of frost (usually in mid-November), beehives and bees are transferred to wintering quarters. The main requirement for a winter hut is its ability to maintain a constant temperature in it from 0 to + 4 њ and humidity in the range of 80-85%.

The place for the winter hunter is chosen near the apiary, elevated and sheltered from the wind. It is better to keep the constant temperature in the underground zimovnik. It is the most simple in terms of device and much cheaper. When building a subterranean zymovnik, if possible, it is necessary to strive to cover it more and to insulate the ceiling, in the worst case, by reducing its height. In a recessed winter hut at a low outside temperature, instead of losing heat through the walls of the winter hut, it will come from the ground, which creates the possibility for good ventilation of the room.

The choice of the type of winter hunter depends on the level of groundwater table. Groundwater should be at a depth of at least 3.5 m. If groundwater is closer to the soil surface, a semi-subterranean or overground winter hunter is built, based on the requirement that the floor of the winter hut be no less than 1 m above groundwater level. Typical winterers have a width of 9-12 m, and an internal height – from 2,6 to 3,2 m. The walls of the winter hut can be brick or wooden. With the choice of building material, preference is given to wood, concrete slabs are highly undesirable for this. When building a semi-underground winter hut from the outer part, the ground extracted from the excavation is closely brought to the walls, so that the elevated part of the winter hut keeps the heat better, and in the spring it is less heated.

For the exchange of air in a small hovel, it is enough for one ventilation pipe starting from the ceiling and through the roof coming out. Through the tube simultaneously there is an influx of fresh air and removal of the moistened.

In the spring, on the eve of the exhibition of bees at will, intensive ventilation of the winter hut is required on a cool night time. This is achieved by opening the doors at night, and if there are supply pipes that originate in the vestibule and pass through the floor of the winter hut, they will be fully opened.

The hives in the winter hut are placed on shelves in 3-4 tiers. Projects of wintering families for 600 and 1200 bee colonies and more racks are not provided, beehives with bees are placed one on top of another in 4-5 tiers.

In contrast to the typical winter hamster of the honey-commodity apiary in the hothouse economy in winter, periodic use of bees in greenhouses is required. This work is performed, as a rule, by women of different ages, health and growth. Sometimes they can not remove the hive from the 4th tier. Therefore, when building a winter hut for greenhouse bees, changes and additions to the projects stem from the peculiarities of the use of bees in winter. So, on the farm, the winter quarters have a width of 3.75 m. On the side and end sides are made racks in 2-3 tiers. In the middle of the passage, hives are placed, which in winter will be exhibited in the greenhouses. They put them in 2 tiers one on top of another. For the ventilation of the nest, the hives are laid with racks. Between the shelves and rows of hives remains a sufficient passage to observe the bees. At the entrance to the winter station there is a free space.

To store spare beehives and other equipment make a canopy or adjust the utility room.

In each hothouse brigade, a heated utility room is equipped for the beekeeper, where it can deliver food in advance, which will allow them to replenish their feed stocks in the most favorable time for inspecting bees. At the same time, time is not wasted for delivery to the central warehouse of the frames and other property taken from the hives. They are temporarily left in the back room, but removed to a less favorable time for working in the greenhouses. Unfortunately, this is not always taken into account by business executives. In some farms there are excellent household facilities for masters of greenhouses and other maintenance personnel, spacious warehouses, but for beekeepers there are none.

Sometimes even a very “modest” room is not provided, where it would be possible to leave for a time a frame with a sushi, a forage and an instrument. But after all, the beekeeper must change his clothes several times in order to bring from the central point or carry the necessary equipment. And it is not by chance that in such farms beekeepers do not stay long, and there are large bee waste annually.

Paseychnye and subsidiary outbuildings