Pasechnye buildings

Pasechnye buildings

In the apiary it is necessary to have an apiary house, a canopy for a control hive and a winter hut.

Pasechny little house

The house is best placed in the middle of the apiary, if it is large, so that you do not have to do too far with loads in the form of frames, shops, feeders, etc. It should have two or three rooms: one contains equipment for pumping honey, there can also be stored honey and spare honeycombs; in the other, work is carried out to frame the frames, cut out the wax, etc.; it can also serve as a workshop for the repair of hives. In case of need, you can use the same room for different purposes at different times of the year. The third room is intended for laboratory work, accounting and reporting, storage of the reference library. The house must be built in such a way that it can be easily reached by it. It should have a lot of light and a good stove with a stove, in case of need to heat the room and thereby make it easier to work with honey and wax. Windows and doors should be tightly closed. They are fitted with frames with wire mesh or gauze.

In the same house you can store a part of the spare frames with a good box, placing them on racks under the ceiling or keeping in empty hives. For a bulky inventory of reserve hives, supplements, etc., it is necessary to have a special closed room or a canopy; You can also use the attic of the winter hut.

If the beekeeping farm consists of several small apiaries located in different places, or if the apiary is transported during the season under one or another bribe, then it is necessary to have small nomadic booths.

The booth should be demountable, easy and convenient for transportation, and also inexpensive. Usually it has walls, windows, doors and a roof, but has no floor and ceiling. The frame is made of plywood with plywood. The walls are painted outside. The roof is plywood, covered with roofing felt, roofing

felt or iron, which is painted. Separate parts of the booth are fastened with hooks. Booths come in different sizes. Their length is usually 3.5-4 m, width – 2.5-3 m, height – 2-2.5 m. To store tare on one side of the booth, a canopy is attached.

Pasechnye buildings

Fig. Nomad camp on wheels.

Booths are sometimes arranged on wheels and transported by a tractor. The apiary of the Uman Agricultural Institute has such a mobile booth on wheels. Inside it has two compartments: one for work and the second for housing for the beekeeper.

Pasechnye buildings

Fig. Passegal nomadic house.

Good beekeeping booths are made by the beekeepers themselves, the Budku can replace the canvas tent, which is a cool and conveniently transportable room.

A canopy for the control hive is made near the apiary house. It is built on 4 pillars, a roof of two or four. Walls do not make a hive in the same conditions as other conditions. Under the slopes of the roof – a figured skin on 1/3 of the height of the pillars so that the oblique rain does not wet the hive.

Pasechnye buildings