Modern manufacture of honeycomb

Modern manufacture of honeycomb

Nowadays, the wax is made in factories, because ordinary beekeepers do not have enough skill for its manufacture, without spending excessive wax and damaging the finest engraving on the surface of the rollers. Propolis depleted by bees is removed from wax plants. Acids are not used for cleaning. With this treatment, the wax retains its original flavor, and also becomes more plastic and dense, which facilitates the bees work.

What are the advantages of using an artificial honeycomb? The production of an artificial honeycomb allows solving many complex problems of the past. For example, our grandfathers experienced difficulties, forcing bees to build honeycombs consisting of cells. In bee colonies, a large number of drones were excreted, since in the honeycombs there was a search of the tartar cells. The use of honeycomb with bee cells provides the most insignificant number of drones. This allows you to increase the fees of honey.

Bees begin to build honeycombs across the moving frames, zigzagging, in different directions. It was necessary to spend a lot of efforts to force the family to rebuild the honeycombs in parallel straight rows, starting from the upper frames of the frame. The use of a narrow strip of artificial wax forces the bees to build honeycombs from the upper bar. If to give to bees the big leaf of a wax, they will build on it geometrical bee cells.

On the old crate beehive or deck our ancestors installed small, glazed on the sides, extensions for 5 kg of honey. Uneven honeycombs were built in such boxes, although their weight did not allow retail sales. Meanwhile, the demand for honey in small packages has increased. The appearance of an artificial honeycomb provided the possibility for the beekeeper to force the bees to build up the correct honeycombs even in a small frame. Thus, the way to the introduction of the sectional framework, calculated on 0.5 kg of honey, was opened.

The weight of an artificial honeycomb. Beekeepers use 3 types of artificial waxes, differing in their weight, each having its own purpose:

1) shop

2) reinforced

3) nesting

The first type of wax is the easiest. It is used to produce honeycomb, it is called a shop thin wax. The second has a very thin base, but very strong side walls. The latter is rarely used, as the bees easily gnaw through it.

Modern manufacture of honeycomb