Mass withdrawal of queens and collection of royal jelly

Mass withdrawal of queens and collection of royal jelly

Now the demand for the queen increases significantly, so the mass withdrawal of queens becomes more and more popular, in which conventional beekeeping equipment is used, as well as nucleuses – small bee colonies in which there are few bees. – for the fertilization of the queens and temporary storage of them, as well as templates, with which it is easier to make bowls of wax, grafting frames, insulators, with which you can get single-aged larvae, spatulas, with which larvae are transferred, cells into which the uterus is attached.

Usually only the very best in terms of all indicators are selected as maternal families, for families who are educated, they choose those in which there is an unequal brood, they occupy a minimum of 10 to 12 frames, produce 8 to 10 kg of honey and a lot of perga. The quality of the queens depends on the period of cultivation in the families-educators.

Now, with the mass withdrawal of queens, one-time transfer of larvae is used, which lasted 12 hours, as a result they are of sufficiently high quality.

The best uterus is obtained from the largest and heaviest eggs, so the maternal family should eat well. As a result, less eggs are formed, but they are all larger. They are used for the withdrawal of queens. It is also possible to limit the vaccine frame with the larvae.

Collection of royal jelly

To obtain royal jelly, the most favorable are the end of spring and the beginning of summer. It is at this time that families develop most effectively. The largest amount of milk can be obtained if several families are selected from the queens and collect milk from the queen cells, which were laid by non-maturing families. After removing the larva, the milk can be easily removed with the help of a pharmacy spoon. When the collection is made, the uterus must be returned to its place, before it has destroyed the queen cells.

If royal jelly

is collected for industry, then technological methods are used here. Milk is collected in the families-educators after reaching the larvae for 4 days. At this age they are extracted from the queen cells, the milk is selected, and the larvae return to their place. With this method, royal jelly can be harvested for 3 or more weeks.

The productivity of royal jelly production depends on: bee colonization, presence of young individuals in families, sufficient feed and feeding, warming and shrinking nest, proper technology of grafting of larvae, presence of fresh pollen in the nest. Also influenced by the breed and the characteristics of a particular bee family.

To collect royal jelly, a small laboratory should be equipped. The walls should be light, the floor painted, the windows are hung with gauze to prevent direct sunlight from reaching the milk, which have a negative impact on it. The room should be light, with a temperature of 25 њ C and a humidity of at least 90%.

Collection of royal jelly is carried out with full observance of sanitary norms: in a dressing gown, a cap, gloves and a cotton-gauze dressing. On the floor you need to lay an oilcloth, and all instruments and utensils must be disinfected and washed. In the room where the collection takes place, strangers are not allowed.

Mass withdrawal of queens and collection of royal jelly