Making poison with bees

Making poison with bees

The bee under the tip of the abdomen has a special protective device with a very complex structure: glands for making poison, a reservoir (bubble) for the accumulation of poison and a sting for insertion into the body of the “enemy”. To sting, the bee clamps the abdomen and releases the sting. The reduction of strong muscles, connected with a pit apparatus, the poison is injected in the morning. When biting people and animals (the skin, which is elastic), the sting can not exit through the presence of small burrs on it. Therefore, it separates from the bee, and it dies. And the stinger detached from the bee continues to act, it penetrates into the skin by itself, releasing all the poison in the morning. When a bee stings another bee, osus or other insects, a wide opening forms on the surface, which allows it to pull the stinger back. In this case, the bee remains alive.

The bite, as a rule, first provokes redness on the damaged area of ​​the skin with the next edema, which lasts 2-3 days.

A sting is only among worker bees and uterus. Drones do not have it. Stilettia stings are associated with poisonous glands. The large poisonous gland consists of a long branched tube in which a poison is produced, and a pear-shaped tank where the poison is collected. The secret of a large poisonous gland has an acid reaction, so this gland is also called acid.

A small poisonous gland is a short tube. It is placed at the base of the organ through which the sting moves. It is also called the lubricating “alkaline” gland, since its secretion has an alkaline reaction.

Poison in a poisonous bladder can be shown only on the 2nd day of its existence in an amount of 0.04 mg. The following days, the amount of poison increases. Nevertheless, one can use his poison only on the 15th day of life.

Since then, the poisonous bubble begins to degenerate and stops the production of poison. After a bite (emptying) of the bladder, the bees can not re-produce the poison.

The stock of poison in one bee is 0.3-0.8 mg and varies depending on the age of the bee and the period of the year.

Making poison with bees