Main spring audit

Main spring audit

The first spring inspection does not give the beekeeper detailed and accurate information about each bee family. Such information can only give the most thorough examination of the bee nest, or the so-called main spring audit. To make such an audit, it takes 5-10 minutes, and sometimes a little more to keep the hives open. Therefore, the audit is carried out on quiet, warm days at a temperature of not less than 14-15 њ in the shade.

The purpose of the audit is to find out the status of each family and nest and take appropriate measures for their further growth and development.

At the main spring audit, it turns out whether the given family is happy, that is, whether the uterus has, and what, is this family strong enough what is the brood and how much honey is there in the hive, how much and whether it is sugared, what nest is, is it great in relation to the strength of the family, whether there are bad honeycombs, for example, with drone cells, too old (black), moldy, perforated, uneven, with spoiled perga, moth-eaten, etc .; Do not smudge the honeycombs and the beehive with the stool of bees, which happens as a result of diarrhea, whether the family is suffering from this or that disease.

The main spring audit is as follows.

Inspection of the nest.

After removing the lid of the hive, the insulation and partly the ceiling (or canvas), push and carefully examine the frame behind the frame, finding out the strength of the family, the suitability or unsuitability of these or other honeycombs. Simultaneously determine the strength of the family.

If bees cover well 7-8 nest frames, then such families are considered to be average in strength. With proper care, they grow very quickly and have time to develop well to the first bribes (for example, from winter rape, sainfoin). Families, whose bees cover 9 or more frames, are considered strong, and 5-6 frames are weak.

Weak families require particularly careful care. With proper care and a good uterus, they always in their development overtake the spring layers (newly organized families), and therefore they should not be added.

During the main spring audit of families of honey and brood in nests usually there is little, and therefore it is easy to remove from the nest all the unsuitable honeycombs. In their place, if necessary, they put spare frames with sushi or honey.

When inspecting, the amount of honey reserves and their quality is determined. If the honey turns out to crystallize, then it should be gradually printed out and slightly heated, placing for 12-18 hours in a warm room, then sprinkle with warm water and give bees.

The missing amount of honey should be replenished in a timely manner by adding frames with honey or giving bees a thick sugar syrup (2 parts of sugar per 1 part of water).

If there is a shortage in the nest of the Perga and the absence of a spring pollen bribe, especially in the cold spring, it is necessary to place the bees with spare frames with perga.

A good supply of honey and perga, left for bees in the spring, is one of the most important methods of rational beekeeping leading to high honey gathering. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of feed in the hive and, without waiting for consumption of the entire available stock, add new portions of feed to the hives until a bribe appears.

At revision it is necessary to find a uterus and to look, whether she is crippled. Quite often there are uterus with damaged wings and legs. Such, the uterus is usually inferior. Uterias with damaged legs, especially the posterior ones, do not lay eggs for a long time, until they drop their abdomen into the cell for a long time, and therefore spend a lot of time in vain. Therefore, such a womb should be changed at the first opportunity.

The quality of the uterus is judged by brood. If the brood is solid, without missing cells, then the uterus is good. Latticed brood, that is, when one cell is sealed, and next to the other is the larva, the third cell is empty, the fourth is an empty egg, or the pollen, etc., indicates deficiencies in the uterus or family. This phenomenon is mainly observed in a vicious uterus, or in a weak family, as well as in a sick family.

A weak family, especially in the early spring, does not have time to completely clean the cells, and since the uterus lays eggs only in clean cells, then in the case of a good uterus, there will not be a solid brood. It should be borne in mind that in the brood brood not to reject the good uterus. In doubtful cases it is necessary to follow brood. If after 2-3 weeks the brood will again be scattered (latticed), the family will lag behind in development, then such a uterus should be changed.

Solid brood does not happen in the framework filled with perga, as well as in families sick with foulbrood.

If among the bee brood there is a so-called “hunchbacked” brood (drone, but in the bee cells), then this indicates that the uterus is old or vicious. It needs to be changed.

During the revision it must be borne in mind that even with a good uterus, the laying, eggs, is shortened and even completely stopped, if the stocks of feed are depleted, and also if the honeycombs are heavily contaminated with diarrhea.

When examining the nest, special attention is paid to brood. Healthy larvae have a brilliant white, so-called “mother-of-pearl”, color and are approximately the same in age on neighboring sections of the honeycomb.

Having finished the inspection and finding out the state of the family and the nest, all the data is recorded in the passechny magazine. Then go to the next hive, etc.

During the audit, the following shortcomings in families may occur: insufficient supply of some families with feed; bezmatychnost; tart or vicious uterus (cripple, very old); nasoznosnost (stained nest); severely weakened families; Nests with bad honeycombs.

Some of the shortcomings in the families identified during the main audit can be corrected immediately, during the inspection, for example, to reduce or enlarge the nest, replace the waste cells with good spare land, etc. Other defects are corrected after the inspection at the first opportunity. In general, it is necessary to correct families without delaying this important matter.

Main spring audit