Magic Propolis

Magic Propolis

The beneficial effects of bee products on our organism are diverse. But the main thing, perhaps, is that they neutralize the pathogens – bacteria, viruses, fungi or their toxins, cleanse the body of excess unnecessary substances, compensate for the missing and normalize individual deviations. Propolis is one of the most amazing products of beekeeping. He successfully passed the test of time, moreover, interest in him is constantly growing.

It should be noted that, in spite of the steadily growing arsenal of synthetic medicines, the health authorities of our country are taking ever-increasing measures to study and use sources of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin from which low-toxic and effective medicines could be obtained. Considerable hopes are placed on medicinal products of beekeeping, in particular propolis.

Propolis is a sticky fragrant resinous substance collected by bees from the kidneys and young leaves of poplar, birch, aspen, willow, chestnut, alder, ash and other trees, as well as a number of herbaceous plants. Bees use it to cover slits, glue frames, polish inner walls and honeycomb cells. It ensures the waterproofness of the dwelling and its cleanliness (thanks to the disinfecting effect). Thus, a mouse that has penetrated into a beehive, bees kill and, unable to throw it out of its nest, is immured with propolis, in this form it can stay in the hive for a long time without decomposing.

Propolis protects the bee family from viruses and bacteria. It can be of different colors – dark brown, reddish, brownish-yellow and green. It melts at a temperature of 70-80 њ C, it does not dissolve in water, but it dissolves well in alcohol, it is bitter in taste.

Beekeepers collect propolis, scraping off the walls of the hive and frames, using special gratings. And it is easier to do this at low temperature, when propolis becomes brittle and easily

crumbles. Stored propolis in well-closed jars of dark glass.

The composition of propolis is rather complicated. It contains about 55% of vegetable resins, 30% of wax, 10% of essential oils and 5% of L pollen. The ratio of these components may vary slightly depending on which plants predominate in the area. The therapeutic effect is due to the variety of substances that make up its composition. These are aromatic substances, resins, flavone derivatives, ferulic and benzoic acids, microelements that take part in metabolic processes and immunological reactions, and others.

Since ancient times man has been using bee glue as a natural product, which has many curative properties. It has a bacteriostatic, bactericidal, antifungal and antiviral effect, soothes pain, stimulates the regeneration of tissues, acts as a hemostatic. Propolis promotes strengthening of immune reactions of an organism.

There are many cases of successful use of propolis in a number of diseases, treatment of which by other means was ineffective or did not give any result. Its pronounced therapeutic effect is noted in the inflammatory processes of the ear, throat, nose, mucous membrane of the oral cavity, with dermatitis, treatment of burns, respiratory and digestive organs, hard-healing wounds, and callosities.

Propolis is also effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the prostate.

There are also data on the successful use of it in the erosion of the cervix. In the form of aerosol propolis has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract cuffs, pharyngitis, tracheitis, chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma in children

And adults. In this case, inhalations of a 5% alcohol solution of propolis in the form of an emulsion in rosehip oil, peach or apricot in a dilution of 1: 3, 1: 2 and 1: 1 – course from 5 to 20 sessions lasting 1-3-5 minutes.

Alcohol extraction of propolis can be prepared at home. Select the pieces of propolis with a small content of impurities and grind them. This will increase the area of ​​contact with alcohol, and the extraction of active substances will be faster. Shredded propolis put in a bottle of dark glass, fill it with 96 њ alcohol (at the rate of 100 ml of alcohol for 10 g of propolis), tightly close the stopper and stand in a dark place at room temperature for 8-10 days, periodically shake. The resulting 10% propolis extract was allowed to stand, cooled in a refrigerator for two hours, then filtered through a filter paper with cotton wool. It is possible to prepare an alcoholic extract on 30 њ or 40 њ alcohol, but the alcohol extracts of propolis, prepared on 70-96 њ alcohol, are most effective.

Romanian scientists successfully used a solution of purified propolis in diseases of the thyroid gland, Bulgarian – successfully treat propolis chronic colitis and hypertension, Soviet – report on the effectiveness of alcohol solution of propolis with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum and chronic gastritis.

Usually 2% alcohol extract of propolis is used.

Take 20-40 drops with water or milk three times a day for an hour before meals for 20 days. If necessary, after 10-12 days of interruption, the course of treatment can be repeated. The obligatory condition is the observance of the appropriate diet.

With external use, the alcohol extract of propolis is applied to the affected area with a cotton swab. As it dries, a thin film forms, protecting the affected area. In addition, it should be noted antiseptic, analgesic and antipruritic action of propolis, as well as its property to eliminate vascular spasm. All this in a complex contributes to the fastest healing of wounds. When diseases of the oral mucosa make three or four lubrication 2-4% alcohol extract. This gives a good effect with stomatitis of various etiologies, gingivitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa. Antiseptic properties of toothpaste, as well as rinses can be strengthened, if we add to them an alcohol extract of propolis.

Extremely successful use of hood for chronic suppurative inflammation of the middle ear.

To do this, use 40% alcohol extract in a mixture with vegetable oil (1: 4). The gauze swab is impregnated with an oil-alcohol emulsion and injected into the ear canal at night. The course of treatment – 10-15 procedures (depending on the severity of the inflammatory process).

Inhalations with a 5% aqueous-alcoholic solution of propolis are successfully used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is well known how difficult treated X ronicheskie pharyngitis (pharyngeal mucosa inflammation). Lubrication of the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall with a 30% alcohol extract, mixed with glycerin in a 1: 2 ratio, gives good results.

Three-percent alcohol extract of propolis proved to be very effective in the treatment of erosions, inflammations of the vagina and cervix of various etiologies.

In the treatment of trophic ulcers, difficult-healing wounds, skin and other diseases, it is more convenient to use ointments and suppositories based on propolis. They are produced by the pharmacological industry, but they can also be prepared at home on the basis of the so-called soft extract of propolis active substances.

Prepare it at the first stage in the same way as the above described 10% alcohol extract. The only difference is that 50 g of propolis are taken per 100 ml of 96 g alcohol. After infusion and filtration, the resulting 50% propolis extract is evaporated in a water bath. At the same time, the solvent – alcohol is largely removed and a soft mass is obtained, which has a brown color and has a honey density. Based on it you can prepare a number of drugs.

Ointment with propolis. Take a mild extract of propolis and some fat base – Vaseline, lanolin, peach, apricot or sunflower oil – and mix in a ratio of 1:10 (10% – s’ ointments are most effective). For example, 20 g of lanolin and 80 g of Vaseline are melted on a water bath. All this is carefully rubbed and mixed with 10 g of soft propolis extract. After cooling, an ointment with a pleasant odor is formed.

Propolis ointment has a good effect on hard-healing wounds, relieves pain, suppresses bacterial flora, strengthens local defense mechanisms, stimulates regeneration of tissues, and has a deodorizing effect. It is effective in the treatment of burns and a number of skin diseases: nests of baldness, dermatitis, microsporia, pyoderma, eczema, epidermophytia, seborrheic eczema and others.

Candles with propolis.

In a water bath, cocoa butter (20 g) is melted and rubbed with a soft propolis extract (1 g). 10 candles are produced from the obtained mass (each contains propolis extract – 0.1 g, cocoa butter – 2 g). On prescription, such candles can be prepared in a pharmacy.

A candle with propolis is injected into the rectum at night every day. With chronic prostatitis, two or three 30-day treatment courses are conducted (with a break of 1 to 2 months). Candles have an anesthetic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. They suppress the development of infection, promote the resorption of inflammatory formations in the prostate gland. With cracks in the rectum, the administration of suppositories with propolis leads to the removal of pain and gradual healing.

The domestic pharmacological industry produces aerosol “Proposol” and ointment “Propoceum”, manufactured on the basis of propolis.

Propolis propolis contains propolis 2.1 g, glycerol 4.9 g, ethyl alcohol 28 g and hladon 12-15 g. After applying it in the damaged zone, a thin film is quickly formed which has a protective and curative property – reduces pain, accelerates the epithelization and granulation of the wound. The drug is usually used for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, catarrhal gingivitis and stomatitis, glossitis, etc.).

Irrigation with aerosol is carried out two to three times a day.

Ointment “Propoceum” is a fragrant creamy yellowish mass, containing 10% propolis extract. It has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties. It is used “Propoceum” as an auxiliary tool for the treatment of itching dermatoses, chronic eczema, long-term healing wounds.

When prescribing propolis preparations, the treatment course should in most cases be limited to 2-3 weeks, after which a break is made. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

It should be noted that some people may have increased sensitivity to propolis and its drugs. The degree of it can be different. It is also possible to develop allergic reactions. Thus, a part of beekeepers may have a contact allergy to propolis. In the places where the skin contacts propolis, its redness, puffiness, a rash develops, that is, allergic dermatitis develops. There may be other diseases – allergic rhinitis (rhinitis), bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

All this suggests that treatment with propolis should not begin on your own. In each case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. In this case, the doctor first ascertains whether the person has had any allergic reactions to shoulder aches, propolis, honey, in general, whether he is not susceptible to any allergic diseases.

Numerous studies confirm the harmlessness of propolis treatment. Only in rare cases can there be some side effects (dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region) and the allergic reactions described above.

Magic Propolis