Homemade Timer

Homemade Timer

Since I can not go to the apiary on a daily basis, I have made a timer device that gives bees syrup to stimulate the growth of families, replenish the stock of fodder for the winter, etc. To the vertical tank, equal in height to the multi-hull, attached the tap and filled it with water, then adjusted the speed of the water so that the tank was emptied for three or six days.

On a beehive hung three stationary feeder troughs. The flasks in front of them were covered with pieces of cardboard 1 mm thick, which were connected with lines of various lengths with a common rope tied to a wooden float weighing 2-5 kg, placed in a tank. The float, sinking with the flow of water, pulls the rope and through a certain length of the forest time at night tears the cartons from the tapholes, opening the bees access to the stern. The cardboard that closes the hole in the trough with syrup is fixed with wax, clay, etc., and therefore can be torn off by force of 1-10 g. Since the troughs open not at the same time, the number of families served is practically unlimited.

Lines that open the feeding troughs, thin nylon thread or coil No. 10, as the resistance force of the wax holding the cardboard is negligible. The wind will not be able to break the cartons, because they are located between the bird feeder and the hive’s body, and the sailness of such thin threads is very small. The length of the scaffold is determined by calculation or selection so that the tension should be at night. It is better to stretch the lines through the blocks, fixed on the roofs of the hives. Instead of a tap it is good to use a siphon tube with a tip of tin, squeezing it that you can adjust the rate of water flow.

The timer is able to open the cells with the uterus, attach the layers and perform other necessary operations, if you attach the appropriate actuators to it. I cover the cell with the uterus with a piece of

foil. To the foil wax attach the executive thread, which, passing through the summer, I bring to the timer device. After a set time, the device opens the cell.

I combine the layers with a polyethylene film, which the bees can not gnaw. In film 1, pierce the holes to give the bees the same smell and glue PVA glue to it a piece of cotton twine 2, to which I bind the executive thread 4, going through the tray to the float. Above the upper end of the string I make a tapered incision 3 in a polyethylene film. The timer will work through the set time and slowly pull the cord along with the strip of film, thereby forming a slot through which the bees will merge. This method is not inferior to the tried and tested method of uniting families through a newspaper. In this case, the nest is not clogged with scraps of newsprint.

Nylon threads do not interfere with the work of the beekeeper, since they are installed during the absence of him in the apiary and are removed when he comes there. In order to correctly orient the thread in space, I pass it through the paper clips, which I attach to the hive. The clip can be clamped by the hive bodies or between the hull and the roof, and slightly unfolded.

Birds avoid sitting on nylon threads, taking them for snares.

Homemade Timer