Express method of obtaining vitamin-medicinal honey

Express method of obtaining vitamin medicinal honey

The great nature transformer IV Michurin said: “We live at a time when the highest calling of man is not only to explain, but to change the world – to make it the best…”, “… we are now we can already interfere in the action of nature. “

The author has long been concerned with the question: can not be made bees to produce different types of honey at the request of a person. If bees extract poisonous nectar from plants and process it in their honey stomach without harm to themselves, then can they be made to process medicinal solutions, juices of high-nutritious vegetables, fruits, etc., into honey?

Artificial nectars were prepared in enamel ware. They poured them into the troughs of the enameled teapot neatly and quickly, so as not to attract the bees of neighboring hives, collecting nectar from blooming melliferous plants. A quantity of artificial nectar was poured into a wooden bird feeder daily, for collection of which, under ordinary conditions, bees would have to visit about 15,000,000 flowers of red clover. Bees thickened solutions, removing water from them, enriching them with organic acids, enzymes, antibiotic substances, etc.

The experiments lasted several weeks. In the first days, when a solution was poured into the feeding trough, the intelligence bees tried it, and then informed the other bees about the finding of a rich bribe. A few days later, they began to notice that every time we opened the lid of the hive, the bees quickly rose from the inter-frame spaces (lanes) to the feeder.

Gradually the bees got used to the new conditions, they should not fly out of the hive in search of nectar. Opening the lid of the hive, we each time filled the trough with a syrup-artificial nectar, that is, this process was associated with the feeding of bees. Artificial solution for bees was, in IP Pavlov’s terminology, an unconditioned

stimulus, and a knock when opening the hive lid, light penetrating the hive, smell of the solution – conditioned stimuli, signals. Thus, repeated opening of the hive and filling the feeder with a solution led to the creation of a certain conditioned reflex in bees.

There was also another experience. When the beehive opened, the bees rushed to the trough in anticipation of nectar. There are already a lot of bees gathered, they push each other. But this time we intentionally did not pour into the manger of artificial nectar. Bees whirled, buzzed, and some, the most impatient, left the feeder and descended into the inter-frame spaces to the honeycombs, to once again process the unripened honey. Minutes passed and the number of bees in the trough decreased.

Finally, there was not a single bee left in the trough. After that, we closed the hive, but after several hours repeated the experiment and again observed the same picture. Thus, this experiment also confirmed that it is easy for bees to develop a conditioned reflex.

If the bee-toiler is given a piece of sugar, she will release an enzymatic liquid (invertase) on the proboscis and, after dissolving it, will suck. From the proboscis through the esophagus, the nectar solution will enter the honey ventricle-the reservoir for folding nectar (flower and artificial) with an average volume of only 14-18 cu. mm. It consists of a thin chitinous membrane and two layers of muscle fibers.

Due to the reduction of the last honey from the honey ventricle comes either back to the proboscis, and then to the honeycomb or to the middle bee of the bee. The honey ventricle is connected to the midgut with a muscular ventricle consisting of a head with four lips (blades) extending into the honey ventricle, and a hollow tube (sleeve) directed into the lumen of the midgut. The very name of the muscular ventricle characterizes this organ as rich in smooth and striated muscles.

The physiological function of the muscular ventricle is that it passes the food (honey, pollen) from the honey ventricle to the mid-gut. The content of the middle intestine can not get into the honey ventricle, as with the return movement the valve closes tightly and the ventricle lumen is squeezed.

Express method of obtaining vitamin medicinal honey

The honeycomb of the worker bee, in spite of its microscopic size, is, besides a reservoir for nectar and pollen, a powerful “living laboratory”. Experiments have shown that if bees are given a 50% solution of ordinary sugar, then after 30 minutes it will be processed by 42-44% into glucose and fructose. This is because very important enzymatic processes are carried out in the honey ventricle, primarily the inversion of sugar.

This function of bees is based on the proposed express method for obtaining various types of honey. Pouring artificial artificial nectar (sweet medicinal and other solutions) poured into the bird feeder the bees transferred in the processed form to honeycomb cells. They energetically and thoroughly processed artificial nectar in a suitable honey sample. We removed honeycomb frames with such honey from the hive, and clean ones were put in their place; the feeder was washed with warm water, dried, filled with a new sweet solution and re-installed in a hive. Thus, the hives became “living factories,” where bees worked day and night, producing honey with different required chemical composition.

With the help of this method, 85 samples of drug-multivitamin and other types of honey were obtained. Experiments showed the economics of this method, especially in the spring and autumn months, when there are no flowering honey plants in nature or they have already faded and bees feed on the main stocks of honey.

From a kilogram of sugar, bees make 1 kg of honey. “If bees feed 1.5 kg of syrup consisting of 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 kg of water, then 1 kg of honey prepared by bees from fed sugar consisting of 0.75 kg of sugar and 0.25 kg of water will be sealed in the hive Therefore, it is necessary to feed to bees as many kilograms of sugar as needed to replenish the reserves, not taking into account that it will be diluted with water. “

There is no doubt that the influence of the composition of artificial nectar on the bee family is enormous. It was possible to establish that artificial nectar, which includes proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, had a beneficial effect on the organism of worker bees, increasing their viability and resistance to external harmful influences and infections. In the experiments carried out by the author with bees in the apiaries of the Far East, Ukraine, Central Asia, the Urals, the Moscow region, etc., it was established that the worker bees, who received artificial nectar in the fall for the production of honey by express method, tolerated the autumn-winter rest well and did not were ill.

The express method is applicable in different climatic conditions: in Abkhazia, where the bees are in the open air for almost 9 months, and in the Arctic, where they spend a considerable part of the year in wintering. They can be used regardless of the breed of bees and the design of the hives.

Consider new honey varieties, obtained by the express method.

Express method of obtaining vitamin-medicinal honey