Control hive in the apiary

Control hive in the apiary

The control is called the family, which for a certain time is weighed in order to control the intake and consumption of feed in the hive.

Usually a strong family with a young uterus less prone to swarming is chosen as the control. The testimony of a strong family reflects even insignificant honey collectors, signaling the possibility of obtaining the maximum amount of honey and pollen, and also warn of the onset of regular work with bees.

However, the collection of feed for strong and medium-sized families is not proportional to the number of bees in them. Thus, strong families can daily feed 0.5-1 kg of feed while average families, at best, equalize the daily costs of rearing brood. Therefore, if the beekeeper wants to know the actual feed intake in the whole apiary, for this purpose it is desirable that the control families also have middle families at the point and in the greenhouse. A sharp border in the testimony of a strong and middle-sized family will be a clear confirmation of the need to have only strong families in the apiary.

The testimony of the control family makes it possible, without analyzing the nests of bees, to know about its condition and in time to expand the nests with drying or waxing, feeding, setting and removing store extensions and many other jobs that require additional labor.

Indications of the control family warn the beekeeper and of possible mistakes in working with bees. Thus, when a beehive of many breeds is placed on the hive of a magazine extension, the honey from the nest to the extension will be transferred. An inexperienced beekeeper may have an opinion that honey has come. To induce bees to work more intensively, they can pump out honey at a time when bees need replenishment of feed stocks, and thereby cause irreparable harm to bee colonies.

The long-term testimony of the control family makes it possible to plan the flying of the

reserve apiary, to sow and plant honey plants with the calculation of their flowering in a time-free period, and to take countermeasure measures in a timely manner.

To control the family did not change the masses in the rain, it is installed under a small canopy.

Control hive in the apiary

Every evening, when all the bees are gathered into the hive, the control family is weighed, and the difference in the testimony (profit or loss) is recorded in the passe diary.

In spiteless time, the control family can be weighed every 5, 7 or 10 days, and in winter – every month to determine the cost of feed.

In order not to interfere with the work of bees and not to reduce the daily collection of feed, inspections of the control family are also carried out later in the evening. Before starting to examine the family, it is weighed and the difference is established with the readings of the previous day. For example, yesterday a beehive with bees had a mass of 60 kg. Before the inspection, his weight decreased by 0.5 kg. We memorize this figure and carry out appropriate work to expand the nest or take out bees, honey, etc. As a result of the work, the mass of the hive was 65 kg. To correctly determine the testimony of the family of this day, you need from 65 kg to take away the missing before the inspection of 0.5 kg. The total weight is 64.5 kg. Weigh the hive in the evening set the arrival or consumption of feed.

In the absence of a control family, the approximate fodder stocks of a family can be determined without opening the hive, by means of a spring hindrance. To do this, the crochet crochet alternately lifts the front and rear parts of the hive. Folding both readings of the bezmen, determine the mass of the hive. In practice, beekeepers, raising their hands only on the back of the hive, determine the security of the family.

Control hive in the apiary