Control hive

Control hive

For successful work, the beekeeper should not only know the biology of the bee family well, but also carefully study the conditions of a bribe in a given locality. To this end, the apiary uses a so-called control hive, which is an ordinary beehive with bees, put on a scale. From early spring to autumn, it is weighed daily in the evenings and the result is recorded in a book. The profit or loss of the hive will show the state of the bribe in nature.

At the same time, on the apiary you need to have a thermometer to monitor the temperature, and also to note the weather conditions (rain and duration, wind, sunny weather, cloudiness, etc.) and celebrate the flowering of the best honey-plants, for example willow, fruit trees, acacia, sainfoin, lime, buckwheat and others. At the end of the season, according to the data obtained from weighing the control hive, and records of the weather conditions, a so-called “bribe diagram” is compiled over the past summer. In this case, the curve characterizing the weight of the hive will show, firstly, the fluctuations in the bribe, secondly, certain periods of bribe, and thirdly, the time and duration of the largest (main) bribe.

After a year, according to the bribe diagram, it is possible to judge in part the conditions of a bribe in a given locality, and after 3-4 years it is quite accurate to find out certain periods of minor and major bribes.

On the control scales should put the family no lower than the average strength. It is better, if control hives will be two: one – with a strong, and the other – with an average strength of the family.

If you use portable scales of a special design, then the control hives can be several, and the data on the availability and use of bribes will be much fuller and more accurate.

If the control hive is on ordinary decimal scales, then a canopy is built above it.

Control hive