Contents of bees in the capital pavilion

Contents of bees in the capital pavilion

I started studying bees twelve years ago, when my mentor gave me a family of bees and in his “Zaporozhets” brought her to my dacha site 30 km from the city. Soon I realized that it was the most convenient for me to keep bees in the pavilion and began to design it.

For my three bee families I decided to build a capital pavilion 6 m long, 3 m wide and attach it to the existing kitchen at a height of 2.7 m from the ground. The room decided to make a frame-zasypnogo type, with a thickness of walls (internal backfill) 15 cm, insulated floor and with an over-ceiling insulation layer of at least 20 cm. On the frame of the frame from the outer and inner sides is provided for plating the board. To fill the walls I used sawdust mixed with lime. On the inner lining of the walls and ceiling, a layer of pergamene, then an orgalite, on which a layer of newspapers was pasted, and then wallpaper, was nailed.

On the floor, covered with a board 50 mm thick, put ruberoid and a layer of hardboard, twice painted with enamel floor paint.

Over the hives, he placed window shrouds measuring 1000X400 mm, double, opening outwards and inwards. Pre-calculated at what height to install them, so that when opening, they do not hurt the hives.

Contents of bees in the capital pavilion

Contents of bees in the capital pavilion

Capital Pavilion: 1 – stairs; 2 – tambour; 3 – pavilion; 4 – hives; 5 – a couch; 6 – soto storage facility; 7 – table; 8 – rack; 9 – visor; 10 – windows for hives; 11 – a pipe of forced ventilation; 12 – exhaust pipe; 13- stand under the hive; 14 – mezzanine; 15 – internal transom; 16 – external transom; 17 – insulation of the ceiling.

When examining the family from the inside, I hang light shields from the hardboard on the windows

so that the bees do not scatter around the pavilion. In the autumnless period, I close all the windows, I leave only the one before which I examine the family. Bees fly to the wild through this window. In addition, I shade the windows on hot sunny days and during the winter. In hot days on the windows of the end walls I install detachable nets for ventilation.

To remove moisture, natural ventilation is provided: at the floor level there is a box made of boards with a grid of 160X160 mm, and on the opposite end wall under the ceiling there is a wooden pipe of the same cross section (160X160 mm); Its height: above the roof is not less than 1200 mm.

The room inside the pavilion completely corresponds to the living room: clean, light and cozy. On the walls, I hung up the tables for the care of bees, a thermometer, a psychrometer. The beehives in the pavilion stand on stands 20 cm high.

The roof of the pavilion is covered with slate, on hot days it passes less heat. For better orientation of the bees, I painted it in different colors (red, yellow, white), and the walls outside – yellow oil paint, the windows – white, “embrasures” for hives – in different colors. They did not paint window sills, because they serve as landing boards.

The entrance door to the pavilion was insulated and covered with a roofing iron on the outside, and the door to the vestibule was made light.

The hives are mostly sun loungers on 22 frames without roofs. On top of them I cover with a net in a wooden bandage, with warming moss pillows and linen. In warm summer days I clean the pillows.

The hives have an enlarged podramochnoe space height of 12 cm, where there are retractable nets and wooden pallets. This allows you to clean the pallets from debris and crumbling mites without the slightest concern of bees. In the winter, the grid does not remove, this improves ventilation. Crumbling scum is not moistened, honeycombs do not mold.

For the winter period, the hive is removed from the window, which is covered from the inside with a shield from a wooden plate.

Now I can not imagine how without a pavilion it would be possible to keep bees on a plot of four hundred square meters. One of the advantages is the placement of families at a height of 2.7 m from the ground: thanks to this my bees do not bother the neighbors now.

Contents of bees in the capital pavilion