Collection of honey and pollen from medicinal plants

Collection of honey and pollen from medicinal plants

Althea medical – a perennial herbaceous plant with a family of Malva. The leaves are egg-shaped, slightly lobed. Flowers are collected in a marsh like inflorescence. Petals are pale pink.

The wild althaea grows on wet meadows, along river banks, in wetlands, shrubs.

Blooms from the second year of vegetation from early July to late August, but can bloom in the first year, only a month later. Honey productivity depends on the year of plant life: in the first year – up to 15 kg, on the second – over 150 kg / ha. For bees, it is supported by honey.

Valeriana is a medical perennial herbaceous plant with a valerian family. Her rhizome is with long underground shoots. Stem is ribbed, bare. Stem leaves with 6-11 pairs of narrow lateral leaves, radical – with 3-9 pairs. The flowers are white or pale pink. It grows in the forests, on the fringes, meadows.

Blossoms of valerian from the second year of vegetation in late June – early July. Flowers are readily visited by bees from 10 to 16 hours. One flower on average gives up to 0.12 mg of sugar in nectar. However, not all flowers are nectariferous. Honey productivity of 1 ha of sowing is 60-70 kg.

Angelica officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the umbellate family. Her stem is thick, roundish. The umbrella is large, with numerous fluffy rays, without a wrapper. Flowers are small, white.

It grows on swamps and on the banks of rivers and ditches in the Polesye, Forest-Steppe, Steppe zones. Bred as a medicinal and spicy plant. From the seeds extract the essential oil.

Angelica belongs to the strongest mead. It blooms in late June and blossoms until mid-August. Bees willingly visit his flowers, collecting nectar and pollen. One flower lives for two days and after a day releases 0.1 mg of sugar in nectar.

Honey production of 1 hectare of crop reaches 200 kg.

Honey from

angelica reddish color with a strong pleasant smell. It rapidly crystallizes.

Peppermint is a herbaceous perennial plant of the labiateous family. Leaves are ovate, oblong or lanceolate, cuttings. The inflorescence is dense. Corolla with whitish tubule and pink bend.

Blossom mint in the first year of vegetation from June to September for 32-35 days, and for the second year – from mid-July to late August for 40-42 days.

Honey productivity of 1 ha of sowing is from 150 to 200 kg of honey. One flower releases 0.153-0.170 mg of sugar in nectar. It produces good nectar at a high temperature (27-30 њ C).

The medical lover is a herbaceous perennial with a family of gerbera. The stem has branched, leaves are oblong, ovoid or oval. Flowers are correct. Corolla first pink-purple, then blue.

It grows on wet meadows, along river banks.

Blooms in May, is well visited by bees, gives nectar and pollen. One flower lives for three days and a day on average releases 1 mg of sugar in nectar. Honey productivity of 1 ha of sowing is 100 kg.

Common nettle dog, motherwort is a perennial herbaceous plant with a labiate family. Has apical sheets trilobate or holistic, with two lateral denticles, flowers sessile, in dense rings. Corolla is two-edged, pale pink.

It grows on contaminated places.

A large number of flowers and the nectar selected by them attract bees in any weather, not excluding a severe drought. Blossoms dog nettle in June – August. One flower is alive for two days and gives from 0.12 to 0.2 mg of sugar in nectar per day. Honey productivity of 1 hectare is 50-70 kg.

Collection of honey and pollen from medicinal plants