Basic cleaning of hives and disinfection of their hives
The content of hives and frames in the purity is the most important duty of every beekeeper.
It is unacceptable to keep bees on stained cell stems and in a dirty beehive. Sludge and dirt represent a fertile soil for the development of diseases and pests.
The main spring cleaning and disinfection of the hives is carried out during the main spring audit. Pushing the entire nest into another part of the hive, proceed to clean the grooves and walls of the hive. They are carefully scraped by a chisel or knife.
Stained with diarrhea, the walls need not only be scraped, but also moistened with a 4% solution of formalin. Having finished cleaning this part of the hive, they also do the same with dirty frames. Sequentially the frame is removed from the frame and each of its bars is carefully cleaned. The cleaned frame is placed in the clean part of the hive.
Contaminated with the diarrhea of the body of old beehives after cleaning are burned with a blowtorch or a lighted bundle of straw. In the absence of formalin, many beekeepers confine themselves to washing with liquor and burning beehives inside.
Cleaning and sweeping of donjes in hives should be made several times in the summer. In addition, when inspecting the hives, it is necessary, as necessary, to scrape the upper slats of the frames and to scrape off the waxen labels and propolis accumulated on the tires.
Clogged dons may be moth nurseries.
Basic cleaning of hives and disinfection of their hives