Artificial honey

Artificial honey

Academician AM Butlerov wrote that sugary substances in the form as they are given by plants do not yet represent honey; Only when they were processed in the crab of insects and thickened, having lost some of the water, they become real honey. Thus, the nectar of flowers turns into honey only after processing it in the honey ventricle of the worker’s bee. Honey, obtained without the participation of bees, should be considered artificial, not natural.

Lail as early as 1887, prepared artificial honey, mixing equal parts of glucose and fructose with cane sugar, fruit, ethereal and coloring substances. Studies have shown that, in contrast to natural (honey bee) honey, no phosphoric acid is present in the artificial honey ash.

In Holland, so-called biscuit honey was very popular, which contained (%): oleomargarin-30, cane sugar-29, glucose-4, dextrin-7, soda-0,5, sand and wood particles – 0.5, 29.

Watermelon honey (nardek) is obtained from the widely spread in our country a cultivated watermelon plant. The pulp of watermelon contains 88-90% of water, 5.5- 10.5% of sugar (mainly levulose), 0.97% of nitrogenous substances, 0.6% of fat, 0.4% of fiber, 0.36% of ash. Watermelon honey contains 41.6% of inverted sugar (mainly levulose), 14% sucrose, 1.86% ash, 0.34% organic acids. From a centner of watermelons get 7-10 kg of watermelon honey. As a result of the therapy with watermelon honey, the hemoglobin content in the blood increases.

Melon honey (bekmez) is obtained from a melon culture plant. The sugar content in melons, depending on their grade, varies between 4.5 and 13%; in Central Asia there are late varieties of melon, containing up to 17% of sugar. Up to 80% of melon harvest in Central Asia is processed into honey. Melon honey contains up to 60% of sugar.

Pumpkin honey is made from pumpkin juice, the sugar content of which reaches 11%. From the harvest collected from a hectare, you can cook 25-30 centners of honey.

Date honey is obtained from the squeezed juice of fresh dates – “bread of the desert.” This honey can last more than 2 years without spoilage.

Artificial honey (watermelon, melon, etc.) is made as follows. The fruit pulp is separated from the crusts and juice is squeezed from it by presses (usually wooden ones), which is filtered through a canvas and a sieve, then evaporated in open copper boilers to the consistency of thick molasses.

Artificial honey