Simple and convenient feeder from the beehive frames

Simple and convenient feeder from the beehive frames

I want to share the construction of the device, which I have made and have been using for many years.

I think that it will benefit beekeepers.

The feeder in the hive is an irreplaceable thing. It is put for fattening families. But in cold weather or early spring, the bees do not go to the feeder, which is located on the side of the nest. Namely early in the spring bees need to be fed. And in addition, at times, you need to treat seven different drugs. In old books on beekeeping, you can find a description of a small feeder, which is arranged at the top of the frame. But this design causes the cell to mess up, which is not desirable. In addition, it is inconvenient to pour the necessary liquid.

The design of my feeder is simple, reliable, comfortable. This is a groove on the upper frame bar (see Fig.). It can be made a chisel, and when using a small circular saw or cutter, it is easier to work. On the 20th frame, the total capacity of such chutes can represent about four liters – this is quite enough. In early spring you can lay out candy or other food in such feeders.

At this time bees need water and, flying behind it, they sometimes die from the cold. In the trough of this design, you can pour water, at the top of the hive it is always warm – the bees themselves are warming themselves. You can lay out kandi in some feeding troughs, and in others – pour water, i. e. provide the family with everything necessary. And you can alternate with the therapeutic feeding of bees.

Simple and convenient feeder from the beehive frames