Rotary mechanism of solar wax-furnace

Rotary mechanism of solar wax furnace

Tip 1

It is known that the efficiency of the solar wax-up depends on the degree of illumination and the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays. To do this, it is made beveled to a certain angle, and also equipped with a device for turning around the vertical axis. Often rotary mechanisms are laborious, complex in manufacture and rather cumbersome.

As a mechanism to rotate the solar wax-up, I propose to use the gymnastic disk “Gracia”, which can be purchased at the store. I place the disk on a flat horizontal plane (it can be a table, a bedside table, a stool or even a vegetable box). The body of the voskotopki put on the disk in such a way that its center of gravity coincides with the center of the disk. This eliminates skewness and ensures ease of turning. The wax-up is easily fixed in the desired position. A very small effort is required to turn it.

Tip 2

To extend the life of the facial mesh, I proceed as follows. I cut metal rings at the welding place with a knife and pulled them out of the net. I clean the ends with emery. I take shoelaces made of artificial material (they melt well). After cutting off the plastic tips, I cut one end of the lace and begin to thread the wire.

When she completely enters the string, I crush the other end. Then I pass the wire into the mesh, and connect its ends with a special tube 8-10 cm in length. Its internal diameter is equal to the diameter of the wire. I do the same with another ring.

I have a facial mesh after this improvement has been the sixth year.

Rotary mechanism of solar wax-furnace