Rickettsiosis of bees

Rickettsiosis of bees

Rikketshoz is an infectious disease of bees, accompanied by a change in the hemolymph of adult bees.

The causative agent of the disease. Rickettsia disease is caused. They have dimensions of 0.2-0.4-0.9 microns, coccoid, rod-shaped, when painted according to Romanovsky, they are painted in pink and blue. Cultivated, as well as filtering viruses, only on living multiplying tissues. Resistance is weak. Rickettsia in physiological solution perishes at 50-70 њ; in liquid media, they persist for a long time at 60-63 њ C and die rapidly during boiling; well preserved when frozen to -20, -70 њ. Rickettsia is rapidly killed in usual concentrations of lysol, phenol, formalin, and mercuric chloride.

The course and symptoms of the disease. In bees, the disease is observed in spring and summer. Sick bees weaken and die. Hemolymph patients bees become turbid, milky white, often the disease proceeds as a secondary infection.

Diagnosis. Determine the color of hemolymph and microflora. To do this, in patients with bees, a thin glass capillary with a thinly drawn end is punctured in the abdomen between the third and fourth segments by an inter-segmental membrane. If the incoming hemolymph turns out to be turbid or white, crops are made for meat-peptone agar and a smear is made on skimmed glass. When examining through the immersion objective of the microscope, small, barely discernable points, commas, circles are found in smears from the hemolymph. There is no growth on mediums.

Specific control measures are not developed. When the disease occurs, the conditions of feeding and maintenance are improved.

Rickettsiosis of bees