Pumping out honeycomb in honey extractor

Pumping out honeycomb in honey extractor

Honey can be taken from bees only when it is more than what they need for food in winter and next spring. It is believed that the family needs 30-35 kg of feed for this time. All that is beyond this belongs to the beekeeper. From a nest where bees grow brood, experienced beekeepers honey is never taken away.

Honey stores are removed from the hives or at the end of flowering of each strong honey-comb, so that by this time the honey is ripe, or if the apiary is not being taken out when the last bribe is over.

Mature honey is the one that is sealed by bees. Honey is open, especially if it does not stay in the hive – it’s like a green apple. It is not ripe, it is thin. True, liquid honey thickens, but its quality does not improve, it can not be stored for a long time, it turns sour. Nutritional and therapeutic properties of immature honey are low. Therefore, during the harvest it is impossible to take it from the hives.

To remove a store with honey, you need to remove the bees from it. You can do this by flicking and brushing the bees with a soft brush from each frame. These honey frames are put in an empty store, and then taken away from the apiary. It is easier and more convenient to use a special beeper remover. This device passes bees only in one direction. Insert it into the hole of the free ceiling board. The board-ceiling is placed under the honey top for the night. Bees from the honey branch will go down. In the afternoon, a shop or a hull with honey can be removed without a single bee from the hive, even without using smoke.

Previously, honey was separated from honeycombs by melting or breaking them. Destroyed a huge number of honeycombs. The bees had to build them anew. This led to a significant shortage of honey. The beekeeping season is short, expensive every day, especially when the main honey-plants bloom. Bees must collect honey, and not sit at home

and hastily build honeycomb.

Now honey is extracted from the honeycomb on the honey extractor. To do this, with a sharp hot apiary knife from honeycomb cut a thin snow-white seal, making small sawtooth motions. With steam and electric knives, the wax cover is cut as a shaving plane. The surface of the honeycomb is also aligned.

Honey is pumped out warm, paired. When it cools, it becomes viscous, it is removed from the honeycombs with difficulty, a lot of it remains on the walls of the cells. In large farms on the central estate, where there are electric honey extractors, a special chamber is provided for heating honey honeycombs. Hulls with honey are made here, they are made in stacks and kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 25-28 њ у. Heated honeycombs enter the pumping shop.

Frames with open honey put in the cassettes of honey extractors and start to rotate it slowly at first so as not to break heavy honeycombs, then, having unfolded the cassettes on the other side, it is faster. From the centrifugal force honey is sprayed from the cells to the walls of the tank. (Beekeepers are often called centrifugal distilled honey).

Lub and dear beekeeper the noise of honey, how dear is the grain grower the noise of grain from the combine harvester. After all, this is the result of his cares and labors.

Honey flows down to the bottom of the honey extractor. From there, it is poured into the dishes through a tap. To prevent the pieces from getting into the container pieces of wax, honey is strained through a frequent strainer that is suspended from the tap. In a day or two, the floating wax particles are removed, which did not linger on the strainer. Cells remain intact. They are returned to bees or saved until next year.

Pumping out honeycomb in honey extractor