Propolis extract

Propolis extract

Infuse 20 g propolis in 80 ml of alcohol for 2-3 days, periodically shaking. Filter, evaporate on a water bath until the desired propolis concentrate is obtained. You can use it inside and for inhalations.

To inhale propolis in an aluminum bowl or porcelain cup, put 60 g propolis and 40 g beeswax. Put in a bowl of more spaciousness with boiling water (a water bath). Inhale couples should be in the morning and evening for 2 months.

For aerosol inhalations 5-10% emulsion of propolis is used on peach or apricot oil after its thorough filtration.

Convenient inhalation with the help of a pocket inhaler made from a cartridge with several holes, which is filled with crushed propolis.

Propolis extract