Orange juice with honey

Orange juice with honey

Rich in sugar, citric acid, vitamins, pectin substances. Contains phytoncides, minerals, pigments. A complex of vitamins (C, P, A, B1, B2) in oranges – an effective means of preventing hypo- and avitaminosis, gout, hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver diseases. Due to the high content of pectic substances, orange juice improves the functioning of the intestines, promotes the release of harmful substances, reduces putrefactive processes, improves appetite and digestion.

Use with honey: a glass with a tablespoon of honey three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. The famous American naturopath Shelton considers people’s habit of drinking sour juices between periods of food intake, during and after food causes many diseases of the digestive system, non-digestion of food, while most people are convinced that by using this way juices they benefit the body.

Orange juice with honey