How to handle bees at work

How to handle bees at work

To work with bees was productive, you must properly handle them.

First of all, we should set ourselves the rule – never to disturb the bees in vain, for the sake of simple curiosity. When carrying out more complex works, it is necessary to plan in advance what bees must be made and prepare the necessary inventory for performing these works so that, after opening the hive, one should not run and search for one or another necessary item. Whenever you open a hive, you need to do this for a specific purpose, ultimately aimed at increasing the productivity of bees.

For work in the apiary, the most suitable clothing is a light blouse or robe that can be washed. The sleeves must be made with clasps so that the bees can not climb into them. In the fleecy tissues, the bees cling to the villi with claws, which irritates them.

The bees are irritated by the smell of onions, garlic, vodka and especially sweat, and also if someone walks near the hives and prevents them from flying, so when working in a hive, one should never stand against a tap.

Bees are excited from jolts, sudden movements and inept, rough handling. It is only necessary to crush one or two bees, like the smell of poison and the smell of a freshly released body, will irritate the bees, and they will rush to a careless worker. With each new sting, the smell of poison increases, and therefore the bees will be even more annoyed and stung. Face shields are used to protect the face and head from stings. The best are the grids of black tulle. The face mesh should be made in such a way that it easily passes air. This is especially important in the hot season.

When working with bees, a smoke is usually used to light bees. Having smelt the smoke of the smoke, the bees collect honey into the zobik, which makes it more difficult for them to bend the abdomen for stinging. Such a reaction of bees to smoke is due to the fact

that for many millennia the bees lived in forests where the appearance of smoke was usually associated with the approach of a forest fire. In the course of natural selection, the bees developed an instinct that manifested itself in that, after smelling the smell of smoke, they began to quickly prepare for flight from the dwelling to settle in a new place, and for this, first of all, they store their food.

How to handle bees at work

Fig. Dymar

Dymar is a metal cylinder with double walls and a hinged lid. On the side of the cylinder there is a small fur. The cylinder is filled with combustible material (dry rotten wood, wood mushrooms, tritium, rags, etc.). With the help of fur you can give a jet of smoke of one or the other force. Dymar must be cleaned regularly from the deposit, which accumulates most on the grid of the lid, clogging its holes.

Open and close the hive, remove ceilings, remove and insert frames you need quietly, smoothly, without jarring and sudden jerks. If the examination is for some reason done in a time-free period, then one should lift up one or two corners of the upper canvas or planks, put two or three smoke streams over the honeycombs, close and wait for one or two minutes until the bees gather honey into the cobs, and then become calmer.

So do if the family is evil, or if you have to inspect bees at non-flying times, when flying bees are in a hive. A strong lightening disturbs the work of bees: it will be a long time before they return to their work. Therefore, many experienced beekeepers prefer most of the work in the hive to produce, almost without using smoke.

Bees always glue the shoulders of the frames to the grooves. Therefore, you must first move the beekeeping chisel to each frame, and then remove it from the hive, trying not to press the bees against the wall of the hive. For this purpose, it is best to take out and insert the frames, keeping them slightly obliquely in the hive.

When inspecting the frames, keep them in a vertical or slightly inclined position. In this case, if necessary, the frame can be rotated in one direction or the other. Just never keep them horizontally, that is flat to the ground, otherwise liquid honey will flow or, worse, the honeycomb can bend and even break completely, fall out of the frame and crush the bees.

When sweeping away bees from honeycombs, hive walls, etc., use a special small horsehair brush. Often it is replaced with a goose quill. However, for preventive reasons, one should not use the same brush or feather in different hives. It is more expedient to use every time a fresh bunch of grass, or even better – to have for each family a separate quill pen.

If a bee stings while a frame with bees is in its hands, then it should not be thrown at random. In this case, you need to carefully place the frame, quickly remove the bee sting from the skin, then carefully moisten the wound with water to wash off the smell of poison.

Do not brush off the bee, spinning in front of the face and issuing vicious sounds, otherwise it will certainly sting. If you do not brush it off, in most cases the bee flies away.

Never leave the hive without finishing work and closing it.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to inspect the beehive – if everything is done properly, is it in order, whether there is a gap somewhere through which bees-thieves can crawl through. And only after making sure that everything is in order, you can, by making the necessary entries, go to another hive.

How to handle bees at work