Med – fine food, a dietary product, its main constituents – fructose and glucose – enter the blood directly, which determines its importance as a dietary product. except for carbohydrates, the composition of honey includes enzymes: invertase, diastase, catalase and others, greatly accelerating the metabolism in the body.
Contains potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and others. it is established that the concentration of many mineral substances in honey is almost the same as in human blood. A number of different trace elements have been found in honey, although in small amounts, but play a large role in the normal functioning of systems (aluminum, silicon, manganese, copper, chromium, boron, nickel, etc.). honey is rich in various vitamins: a, b, c, c2, c6, pp, k, n, pantothenovoy and folic acid, biotin, etc.
Has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. in folk medicine it is used for colds.