History of beekeeping

History of beekeeping

The history of beekeeping began with the so-called “wild” beekeeping. This is an organized hunt for honey. Remains of “wild” beekeeping are found in India, Mountain Shoria, etc.

The first mention of beekeeping is associated with ancient Egypt, where the hives were made from baked clay. Such hives can still be found in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Arabia, Assyria. Hives are known, made of rods and coated with clay.

In Palestine, bee swarms inhabited the rocky mountains and honey was heated from the honeycombs in the heat and ran down the stony surfaces. This place was called “the land where honey flows.” The Romans were engaged in domestic beekeeping and bred bees in clay, wicker and board hives.

Greek beekeepers have learned to insert for the first time in the hives the septa and get excess honey. Homer praised the medicinal and nutritional qualities of honey. His heroine treated insomnia and warriors inspired to exploit with the help of a honey drink. The ancient Celts had honey as currency. And the Germans made infusions of medicinal herbs on honey.

With the spread of Christianity, beekeeping began to develop rapidly in Europe. Beeswax was widely used in religious rituals. Wax for candles required a lot and the church, even letting go of it.

In Russia, the history of beekeeping can be traced back to the 10th century. It occupied one of the first places in the economy of the country. Honey and wax were the most important products for export. Only 50 thousand poods were annually exported to England.

In the 17th century, the production of marketable honey reached 380 thousand tons (24 million poods). Peter I introduced a monetary tax on income from beekeeping, which lasted for many decades. But the expenditure of huge forest tracts for state needs led to a catastrophic reduction of the embankments.

In the 19th century, the decline of beekeeping was promoted by the production of vodka, beer, and wine in exchange for mead. Under the pressure of progress, the system of boric and pack beekeeping has sunk into oblivion. It is time for rational beekeeping on a scientific basis.

History of beekeeping