Glue Bustilate

Glue Bustilate

Bustilat enjoys the public deserved popularity. Or gluing a tile, or linoleum, or wallpaper – everywhere it is necessary. Probably, that’s why it’s hard to get it.

What to do when there is no bustle, and you need to glue? It turns out that a universal adhesive can be obtained at home. It is necessary to cut the linoleum (without the cloth core) into small pieces. Fill them in a jar from under the paint, pour acetone to the full coating and tightly close the lid. After 12-15 hours, the glue is ready. It perfectly glues metal, wood, ceramics, porcelain, fabric, felt. And if to glue in a proportion of 1: 2 for the mass to add crushed and sifted chalk, it will turn into a wonderful shpaklevku to cover the cracks in the floors and on the walls. Mastic made of glue with chalk (1: 1 ratio) keeps the facing tiles extremely tightly on the wall, painted with oil paint.

That the tile did not disappear.

It’s nice to go into the bathroom if its walls are tiled with tiles.

Troubles appear when the glue or mortar on which the tiles are laid, from the increased humidity loses its qualities and the tile begins to fall off or creep.

How to prevent this?

We suggest to add the bustle, on which the tiles are laid, to add cement in the ratio: 8-10 units of the volume of bustilate per 1 unit of the volume of cement. The tiles laid on such a solution are not at all afraid of high humidity and do not fall off the walls even during years of operation.

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Glue Bustilate