From hollow to tall hive
When a person started to raise bees, he began to make dwellings for them, like natural ones. At first they were hollow pieces of wood, and in treeless places – braided from brushwood, straw, cane basket – sapetki, then and board hives. From natural dwellings – beehive hives differ in that they open up into parts, give an opportunity to disassemble the nest, see how the bees live, determine their condition.
A demountable beehive made it possible for a person to penetrate into the secrets of the family of honey bees, help them when they need it, reduce or, conversely, increase the nest size, replace old and droned honeycombs with good, bad uterus – to full, feed when little, or vice versa, take surplus honey. The beehive allows you to manage bees to some extent, successfully use their ability to collect honey and pollinate plants.
Hives come in various designs. A rare beekeeper, especially a beginner, avoids the temptation to invent his own, better hive. For some reason it seems to him that all others are too simple and imperfect. In fact, any beehive is an ordinary box. It is somehow difficult to imagine such wonderful and highly organized insects living in such a simple structure. But it seems so only at first glance. The perfection of the hives is hidden just in their simplicity.
Throughout the world, beekeepers have grown fond of and spread three types of hives – multi-hull, 12-frame and sunbed. They are produced by industry, now they are bred by bees.
From hollow to tall hive