Fly around after a long winter

Fly around after a long winter

And then, finally, the day comes when bees after a long winter can come to freedom. All winter they stayed in the hives, fleeing from the cold. All the long winter they patiently waited for this warm day of spring.

When only the hive warms up with the sun and the air warms, the family will immediately respond to this magical touch of the animating nature. First a bee will look out of the tap, followed by another third, the eyes of the front will be erased by the front legs, blinded by the bright spring sun, make some timid steps, stop, turn back and take off leisurely, without taking their eyes off their homes. At first it is slow and difficult, as if with habit, they make several small turns and loops, trying to remember the place of its location, then fly away, rise higher, make circles wider.

More and more bees come out of the hive, first two or three, and then dozens of them. In less than a few minutes, tens of thousands of insects will circulate in the air. This is the first flight of the spring – flight cleanliness.

During the flight the bees clean the intestines. After 6-7 autumn-winter months, they did not release him. Accumulated in it are not digested by the body of food leftovers. Especially a lot of them are among bees, wintering in adverse conditions, when they are forced to eat more food than necessary, with dampness in the nest, feeding poor quality honey, with constant anxiety.

Bees, wintering on the street, make the rounds always calmly and leisurely. Having flown, they are also calm, but now they are coming back home more swiftly.

And if the bees were hidden in the room for the winter? Hives with these bees on the morning of the day when warm sunny weather is expected, carried on a stretcher from the winter hut and placed on an apiary. To the bees do not fly out of the hives, while they are carried, the flasks are still in the room and they are

opened, as soon as the hives are put in place.

Bees always painfully and heavily endure disturbance of their rest, especially at the end of wintering. Worried and agitated, they go on overflights roughly, immediately with a large mass. Many rise in the air without even looking around, as if not remembering their home. Returning, they often join the bees of some other, more often neighboring family and get into someone else’s nest (strangers, lost bees usually take peacefully).

Because of this, some families are weakened, while others are amplified. Families who have lost bees lag behind in growth and are unproductive. Therefore, often the hives are exposed for the night, so that the bees calm down by the morning and make overflights gradually, leisurely.

During the flight, which lasts usually about half an hour, you can see the bees who have already managed to find primroses and bring into their nest droplets of fragrant nectar and lumps of flower pollen. At that time, the gray alder blossoms, hazel dust, in some places the mother-and-stepmother gilds on the warmth. Some bees, returning home, begin diligently to pull out of the dwelling of dead bees, fallen on the bottom of crumbs, crystals of honey. They clean and tidy up their homes. At the gates there is already protection – smart, attentive sentries ready to instantly rush into battle.

A short circumnavigation, but it seems to update the body of bees. They become vigorous, mobile, actively behave in the nest.

Fly around after a long winter