Features of a multi-hull

Features of a multi hull

The invention of a movable hinged frame facilitated the appearance of a large number of different designs of hives. In accordance with this, the size and shape of the frames changed. Used square, narrow, low and wide.

Naturally, there was a need to find the best option for a promising beehive. So there were several designs.

One of them was a multi-hull with a frame size of 435X230 mm. It has proven itself in any climatic conditions and is widely distributed around the world.

I will dwell on my own experience of working with a multihull hive in various periods of the life of a bee family.

The spring period.

During this period, the volume of the hive must be the smallest, so that the bees can consume the minimum amount of energy to conserve heat. Multi-hull from separate buildings, with 10 frames each, meets these requirements.

At this time, all families are housed in two buildings. On the day of the first intensive overflights, I turn the donja – I have them circulating, put anti-killing grids and turn on heating. Bees are quickly activated. Those families where there is little honey, I give candy, others give it in subsequent examinations. I want to remind you that; unsystematic and without the need for feeding leads to premature wear and aging of bees. This is due to the high energy consumption for the breakdown of sucrose.

The second time I examine the family at a temperature of not less than 12 њ C. I delete the damaged frames and the bottom case, if it is without bees, if necessary I substitute frames with perga from the store. I expose the outer warm waterer VP Larichev.

Features of a multi hull

Depending on weather conditions, I turn off the heating at the end of April. At the same time I open the bottom tray. Expand the family begins when the nest has eight frames 5 brood.

Summer period.


this time, first of all, I create a compact socket, installing a dividing grid that separates the two lower cases from the others. This contributes to an increase in the laying of the uterus by reducing the number of transitions from the body to the body, as well as reducing the energy consumption to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the smaller part of the nest where the brood is placed.

An important condition is the creation of a comfortable uterus for the queen bee. Bees without brood, located in the lower housing, in which the temperature is always somewhat lower than in the upper one, can not maintain a stable temperature in the second housing. So down I move the sealed brood, which will suffer less from a possible drop in temperature than the open one.

After performing the above operations, it remains to be ensured that the uterus is always provided with cells with empty cells. Under such conditions, the middle-quality uterus will be able to build up a family with a strength of at least 5 kg, and a good one is much larger. Such families will be able to use honey collection with maximum efficiency.

An equally important condition for increasing the honey production of families is the availability of a large number of free honeycombs in the housing where the uterus operates. This ensures the uninterrupted acceptance of beehive bees by beehives. At the same time, I make sure that the cells in the first store are filled with honey no more than 3/4 of their volume, and after all the cells in it are occupied with nectar, I place the second extension with empty honeycombs under the first one.

With the onset of a sustained bribe, I am bringing the total area of ​​the vents to 80 cm2.

Folders do not do the hulls, it eliminates the death of bees when assembling the hive, it simplifies the assembly itself.

After the beginning of whitewashing of honeycomb frames with a honeycomb I substitute continuously (until the termination of the detuning). Although bees of the Carpathian breed in one body or store more than three frames do not put.

Autumn period.

Bees begin to prepare for the winter, as soon as they make enough supplies of honey. Therefore, starting from the first of August, I carry out the work in the following sequence: I remove store extensions with honey and immediately proceed to complete the nest. To do this, I rearrange the hull so that in the bottom there are all the frames with brood, and in the lower one there are small copper and two honey-perforated ones – all in eight frames in each body. Necessarily on the same day in the evening I give sugar syrup (1: 1) or honey sity (up to four liters) from the calculation that in each family honey reserves reached 25-30 kg.

The strong excitement of bees, caused by the selection of honey, in two or three hours will go into active work on processing of fertilizing.

This simultaneously activates the uterus. Families in conditions of warm weather, pollen and a small amount of nectar will increase a large number of winter-hardy bees.

Features of a multi hull

The socket in the upper and lower housings is limited by insulated diaphragms. In preparation for wintering, exhaust ventilation is arranged through the slits on the ceiling from the side of the diaphragms.

Features of a multi hull

Fig. 3. Ceiling of the hive: 1 – a forage hole (10 X200 mm); 2 – plywood; 3 – the vent; 4 – metal mesh; 5 – the ceiling (17,5и63X520 mm).

Warm air, saturated with vapors, comes out from warm non-moisture diaphragms and does not condense. Further, it passes through a layer of moss laid on the ceiling with a thickness of 150 mm, leaving its heat in it.

In the beginning of September I close the bottom lettuce and leave the upper open, as a result of which the intake of air in the brood portion of the nest decreases, the uterus stops laying eggs.

The complex of these activities contributes to a good wintering, and in the spring – to the intensive development of bee colonies.

Winter period.

My bees are hibernating at summer spots, wrapped in ruberoid and completely covered with snow. I do not do enlarged podramochnogo space.

Placement of the nest in two buildings improves the hibernation of bees.

The existing opinion that the horizontal gap between the buildings serves as an obstacle to the movement of the club is erroneous. During the wintering period, bees create for themselves a regime in which they are in a cold stupor. Contribute to this horizontal transitions in hollows, and in the hives of the gap between the frames. Therefore, not availability, and the absence of these gaps leads to a worsening of wintering.

Observing the behavior of the bees, I found that, regardless of the amount of honey on the frame and its location, bridges are always created from the bees to go from the lower frame to the upper ones, and the death of families marked by beekeepers is possible for another reason: if the club of bees is divorced from feed stocks, as shown in Fig. 4 V.

Features of a multi hull

This will not happen if the honey within the second tier will reach the lower bars of these frames.

Thus, a multihull hive allows to create optimal conditions for keeping bees, the family in it quickly grows in strength. This design of the hive is better than others in the modern technology of bee production. The equipment and preparation of nests for winter are possible in a short time without a high qualification of the beekeeper. In my opinion, a multihull hive has the only drawback – the laboriousness of disassembling the hives for their inspection, but it is easy to eliminate by mechanizing the work.

Features of a multi-hull