Control hive

For successful work, the beekeeper should not only know the biology of the bee family well, but also carefully study the conditions of a bribe in a given locality. To this end, the apiary uses

Rhododendron honey

Rhododendron honey has an unpleasant taste. When used as food causes general weakness, headache, vomiting, fainting, etc. There are literary indications that the poisoning with honey from rhododendron causes the alkaloid of andromedotoxin contained in

Pollen toxicity of bees

Pollen toxicosis is an infectious disease of bee colonies caused by the pollen of poisonous plants. Causes of the disease. The disease develops in young bees when feeding pollen from poisonous plants. The bee pickers

Beehive on the scales

To control the course of the honey, one hive must be put on the scale. Daily weighing of this control hive will show how much its weight was added or, conversely, how much honey the

Honey cake

Honey diluted in a glass of strong tea. With gradual stirring, add powdered sugar, vegetable oil, baking soda and cinnamon, cloves ground in a mortar, a little lemon or orange peel, grated on a fine

Search for food by bees

The search and collection of food by bees are associated with their flights. The bee, devoid of wings, perishes. The bee has two pairs of well-developed wings; on each side of the body there is

Aging of honeycombs

The newly constructed cell of the nest frames has a white or light yellow color. As the number of generations of larvae grows in cells in cells, the cells gradually grow old. Its color becomes

Reseda honey

Rezedovy honey honey bees are collected from the flowers of odoriferous. This honey belongs to the category of high-grade, has an exceptionally pleasant aroma, and to taste it can compete with lime. Bees receive from

So that the second swarm does not come out

The family from which the swarm came out is capable of forming another one or even two. After all, in the nest remained queen cells with growing larvae. The new uterus also strives to become

Getting honey in winter

Bees usually “work” only in the spring and summer, and fall and winter “rest”, feeding on winter fodder stocks left by the beekeeper. We decided to check whether bees will take artificial nectar in winter,