How to behave with bees

After the family has grown, strengthened, renewed the nest, filled it with brood and fodder, that is, created conditions for its well-being and prosperity, all its concerns are directed towards the creation of a new

Bath in the panel house

He steamed, threw back the shelves and plunged into the cool water, pre-poured into the bath. Desperate lovers of the Russian bath Muscovites have equipped her with the bathroom of an ordinary apartment. The walls

Instrumental insemination of queens

For beekeeping, it is simply necessary to identify, fix and breed the best genotypes in which the best signs of economically useful bees are fully present. That is, the newly-derived bees must be as productive

Nut-honey biscuits

Stir well the food, add egg whites to the foam and mix gently once more. Sheet grease with butter, a teaspoon spread on it dough in the form of tubercles and oven at low temperature.

Giant Bee

The giant bee surpasses even the hornet in size, and its bites are especially terrible. It is not surprising that a person does not take it to their apiaries. Buildings of this bee consist of

Onion honey

Onion honey of golden or yellow color with a slight smell and taste of onions, which after a while disappears. Onions bloom in July, on hot days, when the flowers of other honey plants almost

Simple well pump

1 – racks; 2 – cuffs; 3 – wheel: 4 – chain; 6 – frame; 7 – pipe; 8 – the drive handle. I am sending a draft and a description of the simplest and

Once again about the flights

The “Dictionary-Directory of the Beekeeper” contains the basic rules for regulating the width of the tap, depending on the season, the weather conditions, the strength of families, etc., which are as follows. After flying around

Paratyphus of bees

Paratyph – an infectious disease, accompanied by late winter and spring diarrhea and death of adult bees. The causative agent – Bacterium paratyphi alvei – is a small, polymorphic rod with a rounded ends, 1-2

From hollow to tall hive

When a person started to raise bees, he began to make dwellings for them, like natural ones. At first they were hollow pieces of wood, and in treeless places – braided from brushwood, straw, cane