Early flight of bees

Early flight of bees

In spring, the main event in the apiary is the flight of bees, with which the entire work of beekeepers is connected. The apiary, which wintered in the room, is exposed to the points cleared of snow. Hives with bees are placed in a cozy place, which is well heated by the sun.

Flyover is the boundary between winter and spring. Immediately after flying over the bees, it is necessary to determine the status of families as soon as possible, remove scurf and garbage from the hives. If there is not enough honey in the nest, the honeycomb with food is substituted. It should be remembered: to rearrange the frames with honey, which are located outside the nest, and to substitute the frames with food for him only warm. Cold bees do not use honey.

The family in the hive after the review should be thoroughly insulated. At present, for the most part, brood already occurs or should appear soon. The hive with the family, where there is brood, is a well-regulated thermostat, in which there should be a stable microclimate. Therefore, the thermal insulating properties of the hive should be improved due to thermal insulation.

Following the running review are preparing for the spring audit, which is needed to determine the versatile qualities of the family, its needs and opportunities. Now they are preparing everything necessary to use the potential of the apiary for its development and productivity. In this case, the bees are fed, remembering that the best feeder for this pore is the one that is located in the upper part of the hive. It is also advisable to provide families with perga, and in its absence bees are given a protein paste.

Early flight of bees