Contents of bees in a sixteen-hive beehive

Contents of bees in a sixteen hive beehive

Sixteen-frame hives I make myself with some constructive changes. The bottom made detachable. It enters the quarter of the back wall and is attached to it on the window hinges 5. The side walls 2 of the hive are supported by the bars 1. The front 8 is on the bottom 3. The flying board 7 is 60X80 mm wide attached to the beveled projections of the beams 5.

This design of the bottom allows, without cooling the nests, to inspect the bee colonies and carry out all the necessary work: sweep the waste, wipe the damp bottom with a dry cloth, clean the contaminated areas of the bottom with a chisel, etc. Scraps are not needed. When loading and unloading the hive, take it under the bottom for the bars.

With some experience on the state of the bottom, it is possible to determine the general state of the family – to determine the supply of food, the readiness of the family for digging, etc. To perform antivariate treatment, just raise the body slightly and put the pallet with the drug in it. Substituting around the edges of the body of small blocks of 5-8 mm thick, you can get a sticker for the entire width of the hive. For a more stable position of the hive, when examining the pegs, you need to nail two slats parallel to the frames.

The body of the hive is manufactured in this way. Front 8 and back 4 walls make of boards in the thickness of 40, and lateral – 20 mm. There are two platen boards. This makes it possible to keep the family in the center of the hive.

I unite the roof and the overburden. So it is more convenient in work. The roof is sessile, covered with dermatome. It is painted with an iron wire, and then with any bright paint. Front and rear have ventilation holes, closed by a grid.

Stores – two for each hive – also made of boards with a thickness of 20 mm. The enlarged clearance between the frames of the back and front walls of the magazine

extension of the bee does not build up. The shop frame is somewhat elongated – 17 cm. In this case, there is no waste wax – it is enough to cut the sheet in half, and the frame itself becomes more capacious.

Contents of bees in a sixteen hive beehive

Contain the bees in a 16-ra-wet hive is very convenient. It is spacious, there is where to place a nest of bees, building frames, feeding trough, warming. You can build up a great family strength. Two or three weeks before the start of the main bribe for hives with strong families put a store, thereby expanding the nest and preventing swarming. To speed up the transition of the bees to the store top, I remove the frame with the brood and bees from the middle of the nest and place it in the extension. Thus, the upper part of the frame is in the magazine extension, the lower part in the main body. On it, the bees will quickly climb up and master the store.

Bottom of the nesting frame of the bee is drawn tongue with drone cells. When the tartar brood is sealed, I remove the tongue and put the frame back in place. Thus, I destroy a large number of mites that have accumulated in the drone brood. When the bees fill the first store extension, under it I put the second. If there are no rebuilt store frames, I do so. From the first extension I take four extreme frames and put them in the second opposite those that were left in the first extension. The void on the sides is filled with old nest frames from the stock. During the honey collection in the case and two magazine extensions, bees can accommodate about 80 kg of honey, which is quite enough. With this method of keeping bees, families do not swarm.

It is unacceptable to pump out honey during the period of the main honey crop. Violating the working rhythm of the family is unreasonable, and unprofitable. It is better at the end of the honey collection to remove the shop superstructure and pump them home. The remaining methods of serving bee colonies in 16-frame hives are the same as in beehives of other systems.

Contents of bees in a sixteen-hive beehive