Collect honey and pollen from clover

Collect honey and pollen from clover

Clover red is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family. The stem has ascending or upright, ramified. Leaflets are triple.

Leaflets of lower layers ovate or ellipsoidal, upper – lanceolate, wavy at the edges. Flowers – collected in egg-shaped or spherical solitary heads on the tops of branches. Corolla bright red. Bob egg-shaped, film.

Clover and common in the forest-steppe, Polesie and the Carpathians. The area of ​​sowing is close to 192 thousand hectares.

Blossoms red clover in June – July for 30 days. Bees collect nectar and pollen from it, visiting flowers during the day. The optimal conditions for nectar discharge are the average daily air temperature of 19 њ у, air humidity of 70-80%, humidity of the soil 60-65%. At an air temperature above 25-26 њ C, the release of nectar ceases.

Under appropriate conditions, nectar is released in considerable quantities, but it is deep in the flower, and therefore hard to reach for bees. The clover flower secrete 0,093-0,127 mg of sugar in nectar, the productivity of 1 hectare of sowing is 75-80 kg.

Under favorable conditions, one bee family can harvest 3-4 kg of honey per day.

To improve the incendiary ability of bees, it is necessary to apply measures that intensify the process of nectar – secretion.

Honey from clover is light amber color, with a weak tender flower smell, sweet. Contains 47-48% fructose and 19-22% glucose. It does not crystallize during the year, the crystallization is fine-grained.

One flower releases 0.047 mg of pollen. Pollen productivity of 1 hectare is 35-40 kg.

Clover hybrid – a perennial plant family of legumes. The stem has erect or slightly fallen. Leaflets are triple, bright green, without a pattern. Inflorescence – the head inside with white, and from the outside with pink flowers.

In natural conditions, it is found in small quantities on wet meadows, marshes, along the banks of rivers, it is recommended to sow it together with clover red.

Clover Hybrid gives bees nectar and pollen. Nectar is easily accessible. The culture blossoms from June to September. Total honey production under favorable conditions is 100-125 kg / ha.

Collect honey and pollen from clover