Autumn revision of bees and replenishment of feed stocks

Autumn revision of bees and replenishment of feed stocks

After the end of the main honey-gathering for some time, a small amount of nectar and pollen continues to enter the hive. This time, when you can inspect the nest, without fearing bee robbery, it is necessary to take advantage. The hives are removed from the hives and determine the presence and quality of the uterus, the strength of the bee family, and the possibility of its amplification through the release of the brood. Based on the results of the examination and the data of the Pasey magazine, it is concluded that it is possible to put this family in winter, reinforce it, or attach it to another. At the same time, one should not get carried away with the organization of powerful families, bees in them will suffer from thirst and winterize worse. Simultaneously with the determination of the suitability of the family for wintering, the reserves of perga and honey are set, the excess frames are removed, and the frames with brood in the old land are pushed aside to the nest and after the release of the brood is removed.

In the families of gray mountain Caucasian bees and their hybrids, the frames can be completely filled with honey, which will limit the oviposition of the queens. To create the conditions for the renewal and growth of the family, several medium-size frames are removed from the hive, replacing them with frames with a mass of 2 kg.

It is also important to know what quality honey is. The presence of the pada experienced beekeeper determines the taste of honey, as well as flowering plants, the condition of their leaf surface and the work of bees. In a mixture with flower honey, the signs of honeydew honey become invisible. Flower honey with an admixture of padi can be light, sealed, but remains harmful to bees. Therefore, the beekeeper must make sure that there is no honey in the nests.

Determination of the quality of honey. To determine the quality of honey from various

nest frames, use a sharp knife or a teaspoon to take a small amount of honey samples and mix them. Then put some honey in a test tube and dissolve it in an equal amount of distilled water. Next, 10 parts of 96 њ alcohol is added and shaken. The turbidity of the fluid indicates the presence of the padi, and milky-white color – about its large content. It should be noted that in this way it is impossible to analyze buckwheat and heather honey, the solutions of which become turbid in the absence of the padi.

If there is no alcohol, the analysis can be carried out using lime water, which is sold in pharmacies. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, one volume of quicklime is mixed with the same volume of distilled water. All thoroughly shaken, defended and drained without sediment in the dishes.

For the analysis, take 1 part honey, dissolve in the same amount of distilled water, then add 2 volumes of lime water. All this is mixed and heated to a boil. If there is a pad, cereal will settle on the bottom of the test tube. The more flakes, the more you fall.

Replenishment of fodder stocks. If a honeycomb is detected in honey, the honeycomb from the nest should be removed and replaced with frames with flower honey. If there are no honey frames in the reserve, honey is pumped out of the honeycombs. In the nest put the required (depending on the strength of the family) the number of honeycombs for the winter and then feed the sugar syrup.

The frame with brood does not remove. In the presence of a large number of padi, these frames are labeled, and after the release, the brood is taken away. If there is no such possibility, then the frames are left in the nest. Sugar honey bees will fold below the fallow and will feed them in the winter, and before consumption, the turn will come in the spring, when the bees will be able to fly around and the negative influence of the bee on the bees will be less noticeable.

After the end of the honey collection, especially if it was weak, many bees remain in the hive, but some of them will live only a few days, others a little longer, and only a small amount will go into the winter, but they will soon die. Mostly in the winter will go bees, which at this time are in the stage of brood and will populate later. Therefore, old bees need to be fully used for the benefit of the family. To do this, bees are fed sugar syrup. With sufficient fodder reserves, as is usually the case with gray mountain Caucasian bees, the honeycomb is removed for a while. In the nest substitute the frame with brown sushi.

Before you replenish the bees with fodder stocks, you must close the upper chute, otherwise bees often do not place feed before the bean.

Feeding the bees with sugar syrup, one must bear in mind that for the processing of the syrup and the rearing of the brood the bees spend part of the feed. According to our observations, this amounts to 30-33% of the mass of the fed syrup. Therefore, it can be considered roundly that when giving bees 4 liters of syrup, we create 2.5 kg of feed stock. Subsequent feeding to the bees of sugar syrup is carried out every 2-3 days. A break in feeding promotes better processing of bees syrup in honey and its sealing.

By the fall, the stocks of perga in hives have been significantly reduced, and in greenhouse families and in newly organized ones they can be completely absent. Meanwhile, when processing syrup in sugar honey, bees need protein food for the formation of enzymes, for brood rearing and for feeding young bees.

The young bees born, especially in the first 10 days of their life, need enhanced nutrition with pollen or Perga. With insufficient protein nutrition of young bees, as well as the inferiority of Perga, bees go to winter with poorly developed pharyngeal glands and a low fat content in cellular structures. Externally, such bees are no different from healthy ones, but they are doomed to early death from protein starvation. In winter, they need more food for their food, many of them will die, and the rest will not develop well in the spring. Once again I would like to draw the attention of beekeepers-hothouses to the need for year-round full-fledged feeding of bees, especially protein food.

After the feeding of the sugar syrup to the bees ends, a low-perforated frame is inserted from the edge of the nest, mainly subject to culling. As they are “drained” substitute for others, and so before the onset of cold snaps. In hives, which are in the greenhouses, the little-perforated frames stand in the nests before the transfer of the bees to the winter hut.

Autumn revision of bees and replenishment of feed stocks