Adaptation for feeding

Adaptation for feeding

In order to not cool the bee families during the spring feeding, from the autumn among other ceiling boards I put one special.

In this board 1, window 4 is made with an area of ​​100 X 60 ~ mm, and two guide rails 2 are nailed along the sides. Between them is a screen frame 3 measuring 120 X 60 X 15 mm with a cell 2X2 mm. In spring, during the cleaning of the bottoms, between the slats, I insert a feeder 5 measuring 220 X 40 mm and, moving it along the guides, I move the frame with the mesh. The feeder is easily pulled out, which allows me to wash it, change syrup or water if necessary. The window of the ceiling, covered with a mesh frame, improves the ventilation of hives in winter.

Adaptation for feeding